♡︎You Started a Club? Pt.2♡︎

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Enjoy Pt.2😍✨ This chapter contains Just a small amount of fluff☁️✨

(Monika POV)

And I was even happier that it was Yuri. We sat on the floor for another few minutes. "Yuri time to wake up we have to clean up the room." I poked her sleepy face, she didn't move, I sighed. She's so cute when she sleeps. What was I saying? I don't like Yuri I like Sayori. 

Yuri's head had fallen from my shoulder onto my chest. I blushed, I took her head and tried to remove it which only made her bury her face into my chest. "Y-Yuri please.." I was defeated by a sleeping girl.

I checked the clock 2:40 pm they will be here soon. "Mmmm" I looked down at Yuri she had made a small noise, I smiled and stroked her hair gently. A few moments later I felt the weight on my chest get lighter, I looked down at  Yuri her face was slightly raised from my chest. "Monika?..." She looked down and her face went as red as a tomato and became a blushing mess.

"MONIKA!" She yelled and backed away from me Yuri sat down a few feet away and covered her face with her arms. She was muttering quietly to herself. I couldn't hear what she was saying. I moved over to Yuri and pulled her into a hug.

"Shh... it's okay Yuri I'm not mad at you." I whispered to her I felt something liquidy hit my blazer I looked over it was Yuri's tears, she was crying. "Yuri please don't cry." I looked into her eyes and smiled at her. "I'm sorry Monika it's just...I woke up in your chest so I was embarrassed" Yuri looked away from me. 

I put Yuri's face into the palm of my hand and tilted it up so our eyes locked. "Yuri, you have nothing to be ashamed of it was just an accident, and you're forgiven." I giggled Yuri smiled she blushed too, god, she blushed a lot. I noticed that we had made intense eye contact.

Yuri started to lean forward and so did I.

(Yuri POV)

I leaned in forward towards Monika. But wait, why am I doing this? I don't even like Monika, but something in my brain wouldn't let me pull back. We almost kissed when we heard the door being opened Monika reached up and grabbed two pencils and some paper from the nearest desk and sat by my side.

She moved fast. "Now Yuri, this is how you write this type of poem." Monika fake acted. Good plan, it was Sayori and Natsuki at the door. "Sayori shut up, I'm not giving you any cupcakes!" Natsuki shouted "Aww... pretty please Natsuki" Sayori pouted. "Guys enough fighting please!" Monika looked up from the paper and smiled.

"Now that you are all here I wanted to say that I started a new club, called The Literature Club! Meetings will be held after school in this classroom at 3:10-4:00 pm!" Monika grinned I could tell she was happy about this.

"Ooo, that's such a good idea, Monika! Count me in" Sayori sat down next to Monika and hugged her. I wanted to rip her eyes out and stab them but I didn't. "Fine, I'll join your stupid club or whatever." Natsuki pouted as what's to be expected of her.

"During our meeting times we will write poems and share them, and I will give you homework to write a poem about a specific theme." Monika said "And since I founded this club I'm the Club President we will draw from a hat to see who is the Vice President! We all stood up and walked over to the empty desk.

Monika pulled a hat out wrote each of our names on a piece of paper and placed them into the hat. "I hope I get picked!" Sayori jumped up and down "Be quiet Sayori, it's going to be me!" Natsuki snapped back. 

Alright, and the Vice President is,


AND THAT'S CHAPTER 2! HOPE YALL ENJOYED IT! I will write and post chapter 3 tomorrow have a good day/afternoon/night!(Word Count:690)

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