Letter 2

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Dear Katie,

I hope you're okay. I haven't seen you in a while. It made my day when you walked back into the bar the next day. Did I ever get to tell you that? It wasn't a brilliant Friday for me, but I knew you'd had a worse day so, I got your drink, lined the next one up, and told my friend to take over my shift. The first thing you did was apologize, but I didn't mind how you left. I was just glad you came back. After that, I didn't talk. I just listened to you. You started to tell me about your job, how you always thought you'd follow your dreams and dance forever. Then, you told me how all you do now is do the chores your boss can't find the time for at the office across town. You told me that you don't know anyone there, how no one took the time to know you at the start, Only your boss. You told me all about him too. Oh, how much I hate a man I've never known! Katie, I hope you took my advice and stood up to him before you left town.

Love, Alex.

Dear KatieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora