00.) A Story

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THE POUNDING OF THEIR HEARTS AGAINST THEIR CHEST grew as they all ascend the large staircase that lead to their headmasters office.

The three six years stare at the large door in front of them, a chilling feeling in all of their stomachs. Was this to do with the upcoming war or was it because or was it because of their one too many late night adventures.

"Do you know why he wanted to see us, Harry?" The bushy haired girl asked her best friend, receiving nothing but a head shake and an eye roll from the two boys beside her.

"Bloody Hell 'mione we're just as clueless as you." The tall red haired boy spoke, earning a chortle in agreement from Hermione

"Absolutely right, you are Ronald. Clueless" As their bickering began the door was swept open. Shutting the pair right up.

Harry entered the room with his friends following right behind him and as they stepped through the entry, the door slammed shut making Hermione grab a hold of Ronald's hand in a moment of fright.

After looking around the pair noticed that Harry was stroking Fawkes' feather gently, No Headmaster in sight. Only the beautiful phoenix.

"Professor Dumbledore?' Hermione called out and as she did, a small chuckle echoed in the large room, they all turned to see the man indulging in a bowl of hard candies, Lemon Drops.

"Forgive me, for the fright." His eyes twinkled as they landed on the pair that still held hands, smiling at their connected hands. Without a second thought their hands dropped, faces flushing a light pink as their friend smirked at them.

"Forgive me for asking Professor but why are we here?"

"Ah yes but before important matters. Would you like a lemon drop?" Two of the three students stare at the man with irritated eyes, the other grabbing a couple from the crystal bowl, shoving them into his mouth quickly. Smiling awkwardly in thanks.

The three sat down staring at the man as he pulled something out from his large desk. A small book. The second they sat down, Dumbledore went straight to the point, something that he had never done before. "Now the reason I have called you here is to tell you a little story."

While they were processing the initial shock and disappointment that their professor brought them, an irritated Harry spoke. "A story. You brought us up here for a Story?"

A small pinch was then embedded into his thigh, a small but lethal pain Harry had felt before. The aged man smiled softly at the notion. "Yes, a story that could change the way you see someone. A story that could help you in the near future."

"Our future's Professor?" Dumbledore's typical behaviour came forth, confusing them greatly. A man so great yet he couldn't just get straight to the point.

CHESHIRE - T. RIDDLE 🥀(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now