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before you came into my life, i was just done with everything. i felt so broken, my world was crumbling down on me, but then you came. you came and you made everything better, you tried to pick up the pieces and you put them back together to the best of your ability, you made me genuinely happy. i didn't have to put a mask on anymore, cause i actually felt happy for once, i didn't have to pretend, and now you're gone. for a good reason, i know, but you're gone now, away from me, i know that we still talk and i know you still like me but it hurts so much, it's like you took a big piece of my heart and just threw it away and i can't get it back. now my world is crashing down on me again. i don't want you to feel bad about this. cause there is no need for that. i know that if you ever find this it won't fix the situation, i know we won't get back together, i know that you'll move on and find someone else. but i just needed to get that out of my head. to sum it all up. i miss you so much.

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