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i don't remember the first thing i said to you, im not even sure if it made sense because the moment i laid eyes on you, all i could think about was how i wished i could tell your parents they'd made the most perfect human id ever seen. i wanted to die for a second just so i could go up and thank god for that extra time he spent making the crinkle in your nose and putting the stars in your eyes, i couldn't think about anything else. so i hope you forgave me for asking you to say it again the first time you told me you loved me because god i could listen to you say that a million times.. i can't tell you when i fell but i can tell you when i knew. i knew when you could pick up your toolbox of funny jokes and kisses and fix any bad day; i knew when my day was incomplete if i didn't get you to smile.. i knew when i wished your laugh was on spotify so i could download it and listen to it all day to my favorite sound in the whole world. i knew when it became a reflex, like breathing and blinking everyday i wake up and i love you.. i don't think i'll ever stop

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