Chapter 2

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I pulled Emma away from the crowd so we could walk and talk without being heard.
"They can't just take away one of our emotions!"
"Calm down, Jase. I'm sure they do it all the time."
"Ugh, why don't you think this is a problem?"
"I do think it's a problem. But there isn't anything we can do about it so just calm down."
"But there is something we can do." I smirked," We can stop drinking the water."
"Oh yeah, let's stop drinking the water and die of thirst!" She said sarcastically.
"Whatever, I'll figure something out."
We finally made it back to the village and Emma and I headed to the pavilion to eat lunch. The pavilion is a small area with picnic tables scattered everywhere and a building where we keep the food.
Emma sat down at a picnic table while I went and got us food. Our sector never ran too low on food because cows lived here. However we didn't have a lot of water.
I grabbed two hamburgers from the building and walked back to the picnic table, purposely not getting water. I handed her the food and she gave me a dirty look.
"You could have at least gotten me water."
She got up and walked to the building and came back with a cup of water.
"Look, there's nothing wrong with it," she said as she showed me her cup.
"Hmm." She was right, at first it seemed like normal water. But I still didn't think it was safe to drink. "Don't drink it. We can take it to Evan and he can look at some of it through his microscope." She nodded her head in agreement.
Evan is my cousin and he's like some super genius. He has a bunch of science techy stuff in the basement of his home, which he calls his lab, so he should be able to take a closer look at the water.
"Well I'm going to go home and check on my parents. How about we meet back here at 3:00 and go to Evan's?" Em suggested.

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