Forced First Date

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   "You WHAT?" You yelled, jumping out of your bed, throwing the covers over your (now awake and grumpy) cat, Basil Seed. You walk into the living room-kitchen. "You know how I hate meeting new people!"
   "In my defense, I didn't set this up, my friend did". Your best friend and roommate, Lucia, scoffed. "Don't worry! From what I've heard, he's really nice! Plus, he's a steamer just like you!" She gently shook you by your shoulders in a friendly manner.
   "Would I happen to know who this 'friend' is?"
   "Nope! Think about it: it'd be like a double-blind date!" She cheerfully said from her room, to which she quickly stepped out in a white button up shirt with some light brown bell-bottoms, her library work outfit.
"Wow, I'm going on a date with someone I don't know, which was suggested by someone I don't know. Totally doesn't sound like a horror movie set-up." You leaned up against the wall. "When and where is it at least?"
"Oh, you're meeting him at that cute little cafe where we first met! You're having lunch with him! Be there by twelve!" She patted your back, quickly slipping out the front door of your shared apartment before you could react. "Goodbye! I'm leaving you for work!"

"Mrrpt?" Basil Seed rubbed her face on your leg, you pick her up and dramatically place the back of your hand over your forehead. "Oh Basil, we're really in it now." You huff, gently putting her back down and making your way to the fridge, picking out some leftover pizza and an mandarin orange.
Peeling the orange while you eat your cold pizza, you look over at the clock on the microwave. 10:57. I still have some time before I have to go, not that I really want to.
Sighing, you quickly finish your breakfast and head back into your room, picking out some nice clothes, just a simple flower-print shirt with ripped jeans and jean jacket. Some of the patches on the jacket are either handmade that you and Lucia made, or some weird company outing patch that you found at a thrift store.
   You sigh, you couldn't stay mad at Lucia, even if she gets on your nerves sometimes. You set the clothes neatly on the side of your bed, Basil Seed immediately jumping on them as you left the room, and you go take your shower.

   After you get dressed, you sit down on your bed, Basil Seed jumping on you to cuddle, and you check your phone. 11:26. Dammit Lucia! Angrily, you unlock your phone and open your texts with  her.

You: Lucia I swear if this guy is some kind of creepy axe murder I'm going to kill you!! >>>:((((

Lucia:  not if he gets to you first
*wink wink*


Lucia: >:3
Are you still home? You should probably get going yaknow

   "Ughh" You sulked, hesitantly getting up from your bed, gently pushing Basil Seed off of you, much to her dismay.
   "Heheh. You PUSH Basil?" You mocked her. "You push her body like zhe rock?!"
   "Mrrow!" She looked up at you with her Big Sad eyes, almost judging you.

   After a moment of starting, you give up. "Fine! I'm going."
   You decide to walk, as the cafe wasn't far away. Right as you're about to open the door, Basil Seed ran out in front of you and looked back up at you, meowing.
   "You're not going! Remember what happened last time you went to that cafe?"
   "Oh don't give me that look." You pick her up and put her in the back of the couch, making eye contact with her as you make your way outside. "And don't even think about messing with Lucia's orchid plants!"
   Looking at your watch, you noticed that it was 11:41. Shit! I gotta get going!

  . . .

   You race into the door of the cafe, Thanks A Latte, only about 5 minutes late, as Ivy, the cashier and another friend of you and Lucia, greets you. "Y/n! So you're the one this tall and mysterious man is looking for. Lucia told me all about it!"
Of course she did.
"He's sitting over there, by the window." She points over to a man dressed in a fancy dress suit with nicely combed short brown hair, looking at his phone.
As if on cue, he looked up you and Ivy, shyly waving at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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Double-Blind-Date (RTGame x GN!Reader x CallMeKevin)Where stories live. Discover now