Once inside the ornate pale blue an' white Council Room, sunlight streamin' through the immense sparklin' windows, draped with pale blue velvet curtains; where all the members were seated at the white marble conference table, save Chubby an' me, the Military Police were dismissed.

"So's what's all this crap 'bout me havin' a Monarch that I need ta be protectin'?" I challenged, lookin' at their faces one by one. Their expressions grim, their mouths set in determined lines an' their eyes full o' fear. Their expensive gowns an' protected lifestyles, unable to mask the dread that last night's news had brought 'em.
"I told ya all last night, or were it very early this mornin', when I came back from the Chapel; what had happened. The Queen is dead. All the Reiss's are dead. There AIN'T no more Monarchy.
An' by the looks o' it, ya'll ain't made no announcement ta the people 'bout their Queen. Instead ya've assembled ya selves here, scratchin' ya own asses, pretendin' ya know what the Hell your doin' while Paradise goes ta shit! So's ya tell me! What the fuck am I doin' here?" I asked as I took the seat closest ta me and rested my legs on the polished marble table, leaning back in the plush blue an' gold velvet chair.

Chubby seated himself at the head o' the table an' after glancin' at the other members an' receivin' some kind o' silent communication, began his explanation.
" We're aware of the details you relayed to the Council last night, Ackerman. But we think that it's time that YOU were made aware of some facts regarding the Royal family that even your 'close friend' and shall we say, 'benefactor' ; King Uri, was unaware of." He paused, holdin' up his hand ta stifle the snickers that had erupted 'round the table, as the Councillors met each other's eyes with knowin' looks. All o' 'em rememberin' Uri's love o' the abandoned, the downtrodden, the strays.

When all were quiet again, he continued, " There has always been a contingency plan, for this kind of emergency. Only a select few who of those that served on the Council knew of this contingency. So secret was it, that the Royal family itself, was unaware of its existence. This was to protect them, so that their knowledge of this plan could never be shared. Or taken.
Last night was NOT the event that eradicated the last of the Reiss family. An obscure ancestor, living in anonymity under an assumed name; resides in the country-side, north of Mitras, near Wall Sina. Like the first King, his name is Fritz. He is old now. But he WILL replace the Queen. And keep order in Paradise. You are tasked with the job of finding him, protecting him and bringing him here, where there will be a secret coronation and he will be crowned King Fritz of Paradise.
Meanwhile, we will announce to the people that the Queen is ill, and after Fritz is crowned, we will tell Paradise that our beloved Queen has succumbed to her illness and that Paradise has a new King. One that will lead them out of the devastation of the events from yesterday. And WE will form the Royal Government. Hope and order will be restored!" Chubby finished, his shiny face smilin', his eyes bright, as he raised himself from his chair; standin' triumphantly.

He stood there as if'n he were waitin' for a round o' applause or somethin'. So impressed with himself. I remained seated. An' jus' looked at him. A blank expression on my face. I still couldn' figure out if this were bullshit or the real deal. But either way I knew I'd do it. Not 'cause I were a feared not ta. O' bein' a traitor. But 'cause I had ta know... was Uri alive in someone else? Did it not matter that a titan had eaten the Uri I saw reflected in Frieda's eyes? I had ta know. An' I had ta see if this new king would be injected with that same blue serum an' become Uri.

Seein' me unmovin' on my chair, Chubby must've decided that I were simple, an' needed my orders spelt out ta me. So's he sat down an' like I were a child, he lowered his voice an' lookin' in my eyes as he spoke slowly an' clearly, he said, "You will choose two men to take with you from your squad, Ackerman. They've all been assembled and are by the Palace's rear entrance, awaiting your decision as to which members will accompany you. There is an old, insignificant, rather unremarkable carriage that you will take, in order to transport the King back to the Palace. So unremarkable, it should attract no unwanted attention either from civilians or bandits. None of your squad have been informed as to why they have been summoned, or what mission it is that they are accompanying you on. I leave the explanation to your discretion, once you have selected the two soldiers that will assist you with this task.
All are good soldiers," he sniffed, brushing his nose as if an unpleasant odour had appeared. "And all are devoted to the Royal family and the order of Paradise. You may leave."

TEN  YEARS, The Kenny Ackerman Story   BOOK TWO~ FUTURES,  by Melly O'HaraWhere stories live. Discover now