⋅•☆Chapter 25 - Rogue Bludger☆•⋅

Start from the beginning

Angelina passed me the quaffle since the Slytherin's were closing in on her. I passed the quaffle to Alicia and soon enough she scored a goal. Slytherin still had 120 points while Gryffindor had 90. If Harry grabbed the snitch now, we'd win.

I was about to catch the quaffle from Angelina when suddenly a voice spoke in my head.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly a bludger caught up with my broom and crashed right into me. Now I was falling towards the ground, I've lost my broom and I had no way of saving myself from the fall.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the hard impact of the ground but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see that Fred had caught me on his broom.

"You okay there, Carrington?" He asked as he flew towards the ground.

"Thank you." I quickly wrapped my arms around the boy before quickly pulling away. I was too flustered to realize the red tint appear at the tip of his ears. "Go help Harry with that rogue bludger. I'm good here."

"You sure? No broken bones or bruises?" He asked, bringing my face up to his gaze and looking across my face for any bruises.

I nodded, "Yes now go, he'll need the help."

Fred slowly nodded and joined back into the game.

I tapped Katie in so that I could head towards Madam Pomphrey. In truth, I wasn't completely unharmed. I could feel a familiar soreness surface my right side. It was right in the spot where the bludger had hit me. A bruise was definitely starting to form on my side.

Madam Pomphrey offered that we go to the Hospital wing but I protested and that I wait until the game was finished.

I watched as Harry appeared from bellow the pitch along with Draco. Unfortunately for Draco, he had lost control of his broom and ended up landed on the pitch in an uncomfortable position that would leave him limping for the rest of the day.

Harry was still being chased by the bludger and was close to capturing the snitch. But suddenly the bludger flew right into his arm. I cringed at the sight.

Now he was using his other arm to reach for the Snitch. Soon enough he captured the snitch. But he lost control of his broom and landed on the ground.

"Harry Carrington has captured the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee announced.

I immediately made my way towards Harry. I watched as a bludger was heading towards him but I didn't realize one was heading towards me too.

That was until, Fred came to my rescue once again. He swung his bat at the bludger and it went the other way. I watched as it blew into pieces. I looked towards my father to see that his wand pointed at where the bludger once was.

I sent him a thankful nod and turned to Fred who stood with a proud look on his face.

"Saved you twice in one day? I should be given a reward." Fred said with a sly grin.

I shook my head with a laugh, "Thank you...again."

I was about to say something else when I suddenly remembered my brother was in a tough situation too. I turned around to see that Hermione had destroyed the bludger before it hit Harry.

I quickly ran towards Harry, pulling Fred with me. I didn't realize I was holding his hand as I made my way to Harry. I certainly didn't notice how red his ears were getting.

"Harry are you alright?" I asked, kneeling down on the ground and grabbed his face to check for any wounds. I looked down and realized his arm was bent in a way it shouldn't.

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