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a song dedicated for your pleasant dreams.

The least popular event in the school occurs in winter. The boys already did this the other day, so it's the girls now. IT'S RUNNING A MARATHON AND EVERYONE HATES THINGS LIKE THIS, YOU KNOW!????

Nah, I've never experienced this, so I have neutral opinions about this.

'It's been a long time since I did this..'

'Is there free food after this?' You know who's thinking like this, right?

That somewhat leaves me thinking, what about the non-binary people?? Y'know what? Let's don't mind that for a while. So this event is a marathon, and all they have to do is run... just run.

"Gather around, everybody!" all of the students gather around the school gate as Mr. Matsuzaki announces the marathon. "The distance is 10km! The course will be a loop around the town starting from the school. Let me know if you start to feel sick or get injured partway through, and I'll cheer you on from behind! There will be teachers waiting at checkpoints every 2km, so we'll know right away if you ditch or take a shortcut."

"Ready.. start!" He fired the starting pistol, indicating that the marathon's starting. Mr. Matsuzaki also runs behind them, making sure no one's slacking off as an issue happened yesterday.

Meanwhile, Teruhashi's taking the lead and she smirked while looking at Airin... or the people behind her? 

'But why is she smirking specifically at me??'

'Since I'm the perfect pretty girl, no one can surpass me in everything, even in this running marathon! Just wait Saiki, I'll arrive at the finish line first and prove that I'm better than everyone, not even Maehara!'

'Just to let you know, I'm not interested in being your rival.' She starts to purposely slow down so Teruhashi can think she'll win. Airin felt her smile behind her as she continues running.

Airin starts to slow down to reach where Mera, which is currently in 10th place.

"Hey, Mera!" Airin called her attention, "Did you know the first place would get a free onigiri?!"

"Wait, seriously? I gotta go get it!" She said and runs faster.

It's been a while since Teruhashi pasts the third checkpoint and she's near the last checkpoint and finishes line, that's where I sped up in three seconds.

"You're pretty fast." She almost stopped running when Airin talked two steps behind her. Mera was just beside her, focusing on winning to get the 'prize'.

'W-what the hell? How did she end up behind me? I didn't notice her presence until now!' Surprise, Teruhashi.

She's started to get more focused on defeating Airin than they're at the last checkpoint now. Teruhashi closes her eyes as she puts on the fastest speed she can, trying to feel the finish line.... which she didn't.

"Mera, 1st place! Maehara, 2nd place! Teruhashi, 3rd place!"


Airin pulled an onigiri from her pocket and gave it to Mera and tells her it was the prize, which she accepted.

"Thank you!" She said. Airin looked at Teruhashi, who feels humiliated than before.

HIDDEN THOUGHTS. saiki kusuoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant