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A/N- Hey guys if you are liking this story please vote and comment!! I love reading all your comments :)

Keefe POV 

I watched as Foster turned her back to the wall and started counting out loud. Sneaking down the corridor, I tapped a button on the wall that opened a secret passageway to the rooftop garden. I ran silently down the hall and up the stairs until I reached the roof. Daddio had really gone all out on this level, towering palms shadowed the moss which surrounded small pools connected by waterfalls. Tiny red fish flitted through the pools, swimming through shadows cast by colourful trees. I walked across a wooden bridge towards a small cave, crouching in the shadows I settled down to wait. 

I could feel Foster's emotions slowly getting closer, suspense, confusion and a fuzzy feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on. 

You forgot to say that we couldn't use abilities. Foster's voice sounded in my head. 

You just had to use them because you knew my hiding place would be to good and you wouldn't be able to find meeee. Don't even try to deny it. I thought 

"Nice to see you here Keefe!" A voice above my head sounded and I looked up and saw Foster standing triumphantly over me, pride wafted off of her. I smiled and stood up. 

"Awww, my girl getting a bit of snark," I pretended to wipe away a tear from my eye and Foster blushed and looked away. An idea flicked through my head.

"Do you want me to show you my favourite place in Candleshade?" 

"Yep, sure." Her brown eyes sparkled at this, so I lead the way back through the garden. 

Sophie POV

I followed Keefe through Candleshade and I couldn't help admiring his broad shoulders that fitting snugly into his blue tunic. I shook the idea out of my head, What is wrong with you Sophie? He turned down a corridor that I have never seen before and opened two huge glass doors. I gasped- rows and rows of red sunken lounges rimmed by a minibar surrounded a huge screen covering an entire wall. 

"Wh..What? How did your dad build this? Its a full-on cinema!" Keefe laughed, the noise sent shivers up my spine, Why?

"He went to the Forbidden Cities with my mum and saw a cinema, so he decided to build one here in Candleshade." 

"Can we watch a movie?" Keefe nodded.

"I have never watched a human movie before, are there that you want to watch?"

He led me over to a wall and tapped it, two panels split in half revealing rows and rows of DVD's. The Zookeeper, Encanto, Spiderman, The Jungle, Cinderella, Tangled, wait.. Cinderella? 


Keefe's head dropped onto my shoulder as I watched Cinderella run from the garden. I looked down at him, his soft hair touched my neck sending shivers down my spine. I looked back at the screen and watched all the scenes I loved play, soon I felt my eyelids beginning to become heavy. 


Yawning, I opened my eyes and looked across at Keefe who was staring straight back at me. 

"Well that didn't really work did it?"I said smiling. Keefe smiled and shook his head. I realised that what I felt with Keefe was different than with Fitz. I felt safe and more comfortable, like I can just be myself. But I love Fitz


Keefe pulled me into a hug as I walked towards the Leapmaster. 

"Thanks for coming Foster." I know that I held on longer than I should've and I could feel my face growing hot. I pulled away and smiled at him

"Anytime Keefe. Anytime."

A/N: AAAANnnndddd I love that quote! Please comment and tell my if you like it! The action is coming verrryyy soon I promise :) 

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