Chapter #2 Artwork

Start from the beginning

"What happened?"

"There was a tremor that caught all of us off guard. What happened next... tale for another time."

Asher and Liv blinked when he nodded at the path ahead. They were met with the sight of multiple construct bodies sprawled across the ground. Liv takes a running start to check the nearest one. She frowned, causing a chain reaction to the rest of her team. 

"Is there where the squads are supposed to meet?" Y/n asked as he calmly studies the surroundings. Then his eyes widened. "Hey, over there."

Gray Raven looks to where he was pointing. A mangled corrupted was crawling to the Signal emitter. It stabbed its arm into the machine and corrupted it. Asher grimaces before Y/n walks over to dispose the corrupted. 

"The constructs here lost their hold."

"And now the corrupted use the emitter to lure in teams. An old trick, but effective on teams who need supplies."

"Will you need this?" Y/n asks, point at the signal. 

"We need to make sure if there are survivors." Liv responds to him. 

Nodding, Y/n places a hand on the device before the red energy crawled up his arm and soon faded from view. Liv and Asher awed at the sight while Lee and Lucia narrowed their eyes at the comprehension of what he was doing. 

"Are you absorbing it?"

"Yeah, though this is all I can manage right now, since I'm still full."

"Does this mean you could possibly purge the virus from other constructs?" Liv looked at him with widened eyes that were filled with hope. Y/n slightly frowned and shook his head. 

"Not quite, if it ever reaches the mind, all I can manage is the body. It'll be up to the mind beacon to save them. It's not much, I know..."

Liv frowned slightly but shook her head and smiled in understanding. Y/n didn't like the feeling of letting her down. Suddenly, Liv gasped at the notifications she's receiving in her mind. 

"I received multiple distress signals that are nearby!"

Asher nodded. 

"Let's lend a hand. Gray Raven, get ready!"


"Lead the way then." Y/n nodded along with the plan. They then took off at a mild sprint, wanting to help the other team soon. 


After a few minutes, Gray Raven slowed down to see where one of the signals came from. Y/n, however, didn't and kept sprinting. Before Gray Raven could understand, he brought out his sword, jumped over a pile of debris and smacked away a few corrupted, who were bearing down on their latest victim. He energized his sword slightly and quickly took them out. He looked back and to see Liv had reached the down construct first. She saw the construct and went over to inspect him. Y/n kept a look out for more enemies. 

"He's the one who sent the signal... We didn't arrive fast enough."

"His team should be nearby. We only found him." Y/n spoke before they could mull over the loss. "Liv, can you detect anymore signals?"


"Then let's continue."

It wasn't too long before they found survivors. It was a group of constructs laying on the ground with supplies around them. Some of them were repairing their visible wounds. One sees them and recognizes them. 

"You... came..."

He seemed infected slightly, with a slow spread of rust crawling up his arm. Y/n didn't hesitate to put one foot forward to help ease his burden despite the many witnesses around him. Thinking a little faster than him, Liv quickly went to the constructs side and held out her arms. 

My will is stronger then any program! (Male reader X Punishing Gray Raven)Where stories live. Discover now