"because we're just friends," frankie answers, turning to face him. lucas wanted more. he didn't want to be just friends with frankie.

"i don't want to be just friends." lucas found himself saying softly. frankie furrowed her eyebrows, and she thought she heard him wrong.

"i-" he sighs, closing his eyes. "never mind, i'll meet you at school."

"what? why?" frankie asks as she watches lucas pick up his bag. "i need to be clear my head."

"okay, give me thirty minutes, and i'll walk with you in silence." she voices. "i don't want you with me today." her brown eyes met his green ones. "but you know i need you."

"i think you're well enough to be by yourself for the day." lucas clears his throat. "the day?"

"i want to be alone."

"oh," frankie bit her lip, trying to hide her hurt expression, "yeah, of course." the blonde eyes softened as he watched her walk over to her nightstand. "go, i don't want to keep you any longer." lucas nodded, leaving her room quickly.

frankie hugged herself tightly. she was now left alone with her thoughts.

this would be the first time in two months since she's been standing alone in her room by herself in the morning. frankie wasn't used to the silence.

the redhead was used to lucas talking nonstop about everything, which she appreciated. lucas was the first person she would see in the morning and last at night.

when frankie heard a soft knock at the door, she quickly dropped her arms, placing a fake smile on her face. "come in." she kept her head down as abby walked in.

"lucas left. is everything alright between you two?" frankie shrugs, cleaning her bed. "he said he wanted to be alone today."

abby furrowed her eyebrows, "alone? but he never wants to be alone when it comes to you."

"i don't know, abby. i have to get ready." frankie walks into her bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. her eyes shifted to the left, where lucas usually stood when she did her makeup or skincare.

not having lucas here was messing up her morning routine. "frankie?"

"abby, i'm okay." she voices staring at her feet,

"i'll be okay."


frankie didn't end up at school; she ended up at her favorite bakery. svorski's bakery.

she sat at her favorite booth flipping through her english book. frankie knew she had a test on the last two chapters she forgot to read, but that wasn't the reason frankie didn't go to school.

lucas was the real reason, and there was no way she was getting through the day without him. so she came here instead.

"what's wrong?" mrs. svorski's asks, sitting down in front of her. "lucas."

"the blonde boy who always has you smiling?" frankie nodded, grinning, "yeah, that's right. he told me he didn't want me around him today. and how he wanted to be alone. i guess he has a right to be alone when he wants to. he leaves me alone when i don't want to be bothered."

"so then what's got you so eh?"

"not being around him sucks. lucas is the first person to greet me every morning. and he's also the last person i see before i fall asleep. lucas is the best thing that's happened to me." frankie voices, not noticing the blonde walking in with a worried expression.

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