❈ hey, stupid hair

Start from the beginning

Octavia looks pissed, she lunges at some kid in the crowd but before she can do anything is held back by her brother. "Octavia, no. Give them something else to remember you by." He says to her in a low tone. "Yeah? What do you have in mind?" She asks.

"How about being the first person on earth in 100 years," Bellamy says smiling down at his younger sister. Then with no warning, he pulls the latch and the door starts to fall down slowly to the ground.

Clarke leys out a visible huff and turns finally noticing me. I smile as she looks startled at me being here. Since I was arrested a few months after she was she wouldn't have known I was here. And due to the fact she was in confinement and had no way of talking to me or the other kids.

She turns to walk over to me saying something but the door hits the ground with a thud and kids start pushing to see outside and we both get lost in the crowd. No one dares take a step away from the main ship with Bellamy glaring at them.

I retrace my steps to the ladder in the middle. I reach it and climb up a little so I can see over the sea of heads. There I see Octavia walking down the ramp towards the new world. But I more so hear her.

"We're back bitches" The brunet yelled throwing her arms in the air.

With that, all the kids run out of the ship and into the forest. As I'm about to join them I see my violent friend. "Alex!" I yell over the sound of happiness I hear coming from outside. She turns and see's me running through the few lingering bodies too scared to go outside.

I jump down and we hug. "Oh, thank god you- "I was so worried wh-" we both laugh and I let her talk first. "When they took me away I was scared I was going to get floated a virgin." I give her a look of really that's what you were worried about. Then she continues, "Just kidding. You know I was worried that I would never see my best friend again." I smile saying, " I was so worried too. Who knew when we woke up we'd end up falling asleep on earth."

I look at her as we face the door. "Ready?" I ask. She nods and we run off the ship together stopping after we hit the ground. We take that final step and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I take in what Earth looks like for the first time and it's beautiful. And so, so green.

"Bri! Alex!" We look in the direction of the person calling our names to see Harper. I sigh relieved she's fine.

She runs over to us and wraps us into a big hug. "You guys we're on Earth!" She whispers out of breath. We then proceed to make giggling noises out of happiness. "Looks like we won't be finishing that game of cards," I say with disappointment in my tone. Harper reaches in her back pocket and lifts up a familiar deck of cards smiling. "You brought them!" Ales says her voice full of excitement. Harper nods. "Now I have another chance to beat you," Harper says with confidence. "You mean another chance for her to cheat." I tease.

"I have to go look for someone," I say, they both nod and I'm about to walk away but I get stopped. "Do you need help?" Harper asks. "No, they should be here I saw them earlier. I'll find you guys later." With that, I walk off the find, my two childhood friends.

Since we were all council member kids we bonded. They were like siblings to me growing up. But then they started getting closer and it felt like I was third-wheeling. And then I started dating him. The devil and man whose actions started my criminal life.

"We're on Earth isn't that good enough for you."

"We need to find Mount Weather." I recognize Wells so I decide to head to him first.

He's near a crate surrounded by a group of teens. When I notice he's talking to Bellamy. I arrive as he takes a step closer to Bellamy clearly trying to assert dominance. And also clearly failing as Bellamy just smirks at him.  That's when I notice Clark standing near the makeshift table crate looking at a map.

"You heard my father. That needs to be the first priority since we need food and water." Wells is getting visibly frustrated at the fact nobody will listen to him. I don't blame the kids. I mean no one likes his dad and he's been a privileged kid his whole life like me.

"Screw your father," Octavia says. Her tone laced with anger.  Bellamy then speaks up. "You think you're in charge or something?" He sneers. "You and you little princes," He mocks. That when I've had enough. I speak up from my place in the crowd of kids.

"Hey, stupid hair." Bellamy turns in and faces my direction with everyone else. "Ya, I"m talking to you." Clark lets out a small laugh along with a few others including Murphy who I can see standing near a kid with strange goggles. "You think anyone cares who's in charge right now. No. All I know is that we're in a new place alone with no food or water."

He looks like he's about to say something when I cut him off. "Shh, No I'm not done talking. We need food and water so if you don't mind shutting up and let's listen to him and then go get the food. Since a humane can only last so long without it." I smile and then turn to Wells to let him finish.

Wells just stands there in shock from my outburst. I never talked out of turn or told people to shut up back on the Ark. I notice that the crowd's grown bigger in my little freak-out.

Clark ends up talking instead. "We're looking at a 20-mile trek that way." She points to the left. And we need to leave now or else we won't make it there by dark."

I look around expecting to see people agreeing but am surrounded by emotionless faces unless you count fear. And the silence is filled with a laugh.

Ok,  so I know the part where Bellamy says "You think you're in charge or something?" and "You and your little princes." I know he doesn't say that in the show but Octavia does. But if I made her say it then Bri would have had to explode at Octavia and it just wouldn't work out so I had Bellamy say it.  Anyways... What do you think of the story so far? I can't believe I'm only halfway through the first episode.

Stay safe <3



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