Finding Plagiarised Content

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Fanfiction / Writing
On Wattpad the best way to find content that is plagiarised is to look through works that are labelled as collections or one-shots or stories. Checking the description or individual chapters will often yield the 'author' claiming the works aren't theirs, they're simply sharing or bookmarking the works.
(In other words, stealing, but they think its okay because they're just sharing stories they love.)

You can also copy the work title or a unique paragraph of text from the work and enter it in the search boxes or your search engine/the site search box. There are also dedicated sites that perform internet-wide searches for you that detect content that has been uploaded repeatedly or to multiple platforms.

Artwork / Images
The reverse image search is the most common option for finding where an image is being hosted across platforms, but sometimes this does not always work. 
TinEye and DupliChecker are two sites that allow you to search via an image where the selected content is being hosted. There are multiple other tools, software and search engines that perform the same function.

You can also go onto Google Images and type in selective keywords, such as 'tony stark blue background fanart' which will bring up multiple results. You may be able to find a link or a host platform for the image you're searching for this way. 

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