4/4 (Chp. 1 fin)

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A glance back at the nurses- who wouldn't even look at me- made the impatientence in me rise. I sighed as I pushed off of my support wall and hobbled out into the open area of the hallway. It was lit up by bright fluorescent lights which, ouch, triggered a throbbing wave behind my eyes.

I grimaced as I held my hand above my eyes, shielding myself from the lights, "Hello?" I glanced around at some patients and visitors near me, my voice weak, "Please, can anyone help me?"

No one looked up, no one responded.

About to call out again, I stopped as a wave of nausea hit me. Gritting my teeth, I pulled my body weight to the side til I hit the hospital wall, and followed it down the hallway, my bare feet hitting the floor beneath me.

This whole thing made my head hurt, or maybe it was caused by the literal head wound that bandages seemed to be covering on my head; I saw thanks to a painful glance at my reflection in a door window, I admittedly, looked terrible.

There were deep eye bags circling my eyes, so dark they almost looked like bruises. I think there was a bruise circling my left eye. The glance at my reflection also revealed I was wearing one of those embarrassing pale hospital gowns, you know, with the gap in the back. I crinkled my nose in distaste at my reflection. I think the gown had to be the worst part of all of this.

Okay, think... What had happened before this? Why am I here?

A walk.

I was on a walk, I had gone out at night and... I saw lights and my body hit the cement. I remember I had heard a car horn, a loud, obnoxious one. I was standing on the sidewalk. I was safe. I remember reassuring myself that I was safe.

But those headlights were aimed right at me.

"Ugh..." Murmuring, I pinched the bridge of my nose, my vision swimming. I think I just needed to take a seat, lay down, maybe sleep. Maybe I'll wake up, back in my own cramped twin sized bed and realize it was all just a dream.

Limping, I pulled myself along down the hallway.

I didn't even realize I had made it back to my hospital room til I tripped over my own two feet, barely catching myself on my bed, my nails digging into the blankets and sheets. Groaning through gritted teeth, I pulled myself up; pausing as I did so as another wave of nausea hit me.

This was just getting annoying at this point.

But just as I was about to pull myself into the bed, my eyes snagged on someone laying there, and I immediately backed off,

"A-ah. I'm sorry, I got the wrong room, I-"

My voice trailed off as my eyes snagged on the face of the person who seemed to be in a deep sleep, laying in the bed I thought was mine. Messy dark hair; like mine. Bruised eyes; like mine. Seemingly dark, yet pale skin; like mine.

I yelped as I scrambled back, hitting the hard floor with a wince.

What the actual fuck was going on...?

Because it was me, who was laying in that hospital bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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