extra: Jeff + Glenne's wedding

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Jane tugged at your pearl necklace, her flower girl dress was already wrinkled at the bottom and she probably needed a snack.

"Do you know where he is?" Glenne's voice was frantic, and if you hadn't already seen the writing on the wall, now was a good time to realize she was a terminally stressed-out human. The day of her wedding was not exempt.

"He'll be here," you reassured her, watched as her mother zipped up the back of her dress. "He said he was writing some last minute additions."

Clicks from the photographer's camera cut between her words. "Y/N, if your boyfriend ruins my wedding, so help me God."

Lexi appeared from the bathroom, her arms outstretched to take Jane from you and offer her some cheerios. "Who's ruining what?"

"Harry is gonna ruin everything," Glenne turned around, her lips were perfectly glossed, hair tousled in a divine way. She was perfect, she looked beautiful, but her anxiety was through the roof and no one seemed to know how to calm her down.

"Harry is going to be fine," Lexi assured her. "And you literally had the last six months to freak out over asking him to officiate your wedding, so..."

"Well he's late–he's not even here and we're supposed to start the ceremony in–" Glenne looked down at her phone on the bed. It was blowing up, Jeff, presumably, just as anxious and likely freaking out over Harry's absence. "Three minutes. We're supposed to start in three minutes."

You held back a giggle and smiled at your friend. You couldn't tell her, you couldn't explain that this was all part of Harry's plan: freak her out and make her think that he'd dropped the ball, waited until the last second to write up the ceremony and get things in line. Buy some time and keep her in the hotel for a few more minutes. Distract, distract, distract.

But he wasn't late, he was somewhere outside, his lateness was the distraction he and Jeff had put in place to surprise Glenne with a performance tonight from an artist Glenne had been obsessed with for literal decades.

Jeff was in on it, too–which Glenne had no idea about. His last minute texts where he bad mouthed Harry's lack of punctuality were all a ruse, one that you were starting to laugh about when Glenne looked up at you with wide eyes. "What is so funny? This is comical to you?"

"No, no," you shook your head. "I just know it will all be okay. He's been so excited to do the ceremony, Glenney."

"Well," she sighed, looked over to Lexi and then to her sister, two cousins were also waiting in the living room area of her suite. "Should we go out there?"

"Yes," Lexi nodded. "And let's get you a drink while we're at it. This is supposed to be fun, remember?"

"Oh I remember," Glenne smiled, "I just hope I don't have to murder anyone tonight."

You rolled your eyes, took Jane back in your arms when she giggled at a silly face Lexi made. You followed them out through the hotel hallways and onto the beautiful grounds. A clear top tent sat off in the distance, lights strung up to its peak for the main event. Your heels wobbled on the manicured lawn and Jane squinted in the Southern California sun. You were ushered into place, hoping that she would be able to waddle down the aisle and throw out petals like you had practiced the night before.

Jeff and his parents had already gathered beneath the ceremony trellis, they looked tiny in the distance, stood in front of the ten rows on each side of the aisle. In the middle, almost blending into the flowers and rose bushes behind him, stood Harry.

Glenne's sister spotted it first: "What on earth is he wearing, Y/N?"

Lexi and the other bridesmaids burst out laughing, the sight of Harry in a white hotel bathrobe and slippers was enough to make Glenne freeze.

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