Part 9

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Okay, so it was awkward. Like the time Haley Whitmore caught you cheating off of her science test in eighth grade. Not one of your shining moments.

Lexi tugged you away from the bathroom and Jeff must have went inside, but you couldn't really be sure because you did your best to not even look or breathe in his direction for the rest of the stupid brunch. You avoided Harry, too, feeling awkward and weird and like maybe all of this was just hormones and maybe if you could just get some space from the kid you'd been fine.

You longed for the days when your biggest drama was something Carson said via email or hearing about Lexi's obnoxious co-stars. But life wasn't that simple now.

So three days later when you pulled up to a cafe in West Hollywood, you almost turned the car around altogether. But you shared your location with Lexi and you knew she'd blow up your phone in a matter of seconds if you didn't walk into that cafe, sit down, and lay some shit on the table.

Which is what you hoped you could do. You told her this morning that you'd do your best to channel her, be bold and confident and try to figure out what the hell was going on between you and Jeff before things went any farther.

It was a cloudy day, misty rain fell from the sky and you found Jeff at a small table in the corner of the room, a cup of coffee already in front of him.

"Hi," you said, walking up and setting your jacket around the chair. "Thanks for–coming to see me."

"Yeah," he said, an awkward smile when you took a seat across from him. "Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah–I just, uh, I know you heard me say that terribly embarrassing thing the other day and–" you hesitated, squeezed your eyes shut and just spit out exactly what you were thinking. "I feel like things have been really fucking weird between us since this happened and I don't want it to be."

He watched you for a second when you opened your eyes, rubbed at his mouth and then stared at the table.

You started again, nerves taking over. "I know this is shitty and I know your job is really hard right now, but, I don't know. I feel like you think I'm an asshole or something–and then you heard me say that to Lexi, which–it was just a dream, and I don't know. I don't want this to be an issue between us."

"Y/N, I don't think you're an asshole."

You were quiet, eyed him suspiciously as if he was about to add a but...

"I just don't know what to do," he said. "There's no handbook for this type of thing."

You let out a quick but sarcastic laugh. "I know the feeling."

He let out a sigh at that, wrapped his hands around his coffee and looked up at you. "I know this might not be my place to ask but–do you have feelings for him?"

You felt trapped, heat on your cheeks when you rolled your eyes a little. Could you trust him? Could you tell him what you were thinking or how you were feeling and actually believe that it wouldn't make it's way back to Harry?

You shrugged. "No–I don't know."

He leaned back in his chair and made an amused face. "He said the same thing, so–neither of you are helping me out here."

That caught you off guard, you leaned forward a bit and lowered your voice. "You talked to him about this?" More importantly, he said he didn't know if he had feelings for you? Which meant he maybe did?

"It's my job, Y/N! I have to talk to him about all of this and, I just–I don't want anyone getting hurt."

You looked down and twisted a ring around your finger. "I don't know why everyone keeps saying that."

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