Part 18

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You hadn't told Lexi you were mad. Instead, you avoided her phone calls and only responded to her texts in the group. You knew it was immature and childish, really, but you were too busy trying to figure out your own shit to take the time to explain it to her. You didn't even know where you'd start.

Which is why you were nervous to be buckled in the backseat of Glenne's car, Lexi unusually quiet in the front when Glenne drove towards whatever cute Airbnb out East that she swore was the perfect girl's weekend away for your 26th.

They didn't give you much of an option. A few texts and before you knew it the house was booked and they said they'd bring wine and promised you'd have a great time. Harry swore he could handle Jane by himself for two nights, a goofy smile on his face when Jane's lips twitched.

She's smiling at me, he'd said with a grin. She thinks I'm funny and she knows we'll be fine.

But now, Lexi turned around and looked at you with wide eyes. "Are you still mad at me?"

Your mouth parted to speak, an awkward silence loomed in the car when you didn't know how to answer her question.

"Y/N," Lexi laughed. "The message is loud and clear."

"It's fine," you shook your head. "Let's drop it."

"I've got nothing to drop," Lexi looked over at Glenne, eyes wide as if to communicate her innocence. "I'm not mad."

"I'm not mad either," you said it quickly, ignoring the way Glenne looked at you in the rearview mirror. "Let's have fun this weekend, okay? Mommy's first vacation."

"Do not speak in the third person," Lexi laughed, her hand reaching back to pat you on the thigh. "You're not that old."

You were glad to fend her off, unsure if you could handle the prying and pushing that she often provided. You tugged your suitcase out of the car when Glenne parked and admired the house they found.

"This is even nicer than in the photos!" Lexi keyed into the front door and watched as you looked around.

It was beautiful, tall ceilings and big windows looking over Palm Desert.

"He picked such a good spot," Glenne said under her breath, her eyes sweeping the room when she set her duffle bag on the floor.

You turned to see her, sure you must have misheard. "What?" You asked.

"Nothing! I just said it's a nice spot."

"You said he," you stared back at her, eyes flickering to Lexi quickly.

"Well fuck, Glenne!"

"I'm sorry!" She said to Lexi, her gaze back on you. "I don't–we weren't supposed to tell you."

"Did he have something to do with this?"

"Yes," Lexi said matter of factly, decidedly not letting Glenne talk her way out of it. "Which was supposed to be a secret if fucking Prima Ballerina over here didn't blow it."

"What? What did he do?"

"He set this up and let us take the credit."

You pulled your head back and scoffed, dropping your suitcase beside Glenne's. "Some girl's trip!"

"It's still a girl's trip!" she followed behind you when you stormed out of the foyer, you found the kitchen with a beautiful big stove and an island big enough to sleep on.

"Is it? Was this even your idea?"

Lexi appeared in the doorway, as always, much calmer than Glenne. "I mean, he wanted to do something nice for you for your birthday but knew you'd freak out, so–he enlisted us to assist."

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