"It's a surprise," she said with a dimpled smile, and Louis wondered for the millionth time how Arnold had the guts to hurt such an angel.

"Okay, when you are done, I want to see."

She nodded enthusiastically. "When mama comes."

"When mama comes," Louis chuckled. She smiled at Louis before focusing on her drawing with her eyebrows furrowed, and tongue poking out cutely. Near the little rock sculpture on his desk, lay a lunch bag with food in it upon his omega's insistence. Harry said that the only way he would move in with Louis was if the alpha ate all the lunch he prepared so Louis had agreed to the serious proposition. Louis smiled momentarily before getting back to his task at hand.

A knock on his door made him look up. "Come in," he said, voice becoming harder. The person on the other side of the door, pushed it open, and Louis sighed deeply. Great, just great! His luck had turned sour. In walked Eleanor with her heels clicking loudly, and her hair let down. She plastered on a sugary sweet smile, and Louis nearly gagged. She was not unattractive by any means, but her personality always irked Louis and she was always trying to flirt with him even after he had turned her down multiple times. "What can I do for you, miss Calder?" He asked sternly.

"Take me out on a date, alpha," she pouted, and Harlow's head perked up at the use of a word only a mate used in that tone. The intelligent girl observed the older omega before hopping off the sofa, and running towards Louis with her completed drawing.

"Dada look!" She exclaimed, waving her drawing in the air. Eleanor's face dropped at Harlows's words. Louis's head snapped in Harlow's direction, eyes wide before he beckoned the girl onto his lap. When she was close enough, he picked her up, and placed her on his lap.

"What have you drawn, Harly?"

She pointed at a person on the drawing. "It's me, mama, and you," she said happily, satisfied with herself. Louis looked at the drawing where Harlow had drawn herself in the middle with Harry, and Louis holding each of her hands surrounded by a big heart, and a house at the back. Louis smiled at Harlow.

"It's very beautiful, Harly. Can I hang this in my office?" Louis asked, completely ignoring the furious omega stood in front of him.

Harlow nodded as she hugged Louis's neck. Louis turned his attention to the angered brunette. "You were saying?" He asked.

Eleanor had always been determined. She would keep trying until everyone around her was extremely fed up with her, and to her, this was no different. "I want you to take me out on a date," she said as she inched closer to them, hips swaying in a way she deemed sultry.

Louis's hand curled into a fist, and his anger flared because he had rejected her so many times, and yet she did not stop pursuing him. The irate feeling only intensified when she pouted like a helpless kitten. "I have an omega, miss Calder. I have a lovely omega, and I do not need you." He may have sounded harsh, but the truth was never a soft lullaby. It was always bitter to the listener.

Eleanor scowled. "Any alpha would want me. I have turned down so many alphas for you so I can replace that "omega" of yours. I am sure I am a better fit than them," she quipped.

Harlow frowned, and a low growl vibrated in Louis's chest as his eyes lost its natural blue colour and turned red, his inner wolf angered by Eleanor's words. Eleanor gulped as she took a fearful step back. She crossed a line she should not have, and she was afraid of what might happen. She knew how harsh Louis was, and she also knew that gender had never affected his decisions.

Louis held Harlow close to him tightly as his eyes continued to flash red. Meanwhile, Harry had this nagging feeling in his heart. His inner omega kept telling him to go to Louis. He fought it off at first, but then he could not focus on his task at hand so with a sigh, he fixed his prosthesis back on, and stood up. He winced when the prosthesis felt uncomfortable before ignoring it, and continuing on his way.

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