Chapter 2

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"Mirabelle! It's been ten minutes! Time to go!" my parents shout from downstairs.

Unfortunately, I still live with them and it's a major pain in my ass. I've been struggling finding my first job and now I'm struggling finding my own place.

I graduated about a year and a half ago and finding a job in France has been a journey. Anywhere else too, I suppose – a crisis will do that to a country. But the number of job offers asking for ten years experience, a good diploma but to be 25 years old was off the charts. I almost lost hope and found a shitty job or something. It would have been terrible to think I got a master degree to clean someone's toilets for a minimum wage. Not that it's not needed but I payed for my studies – yes, not every university is free in France – and I would have like a better return on my investment than cleaning toilets.

Thankfully, the company is not too far from my parents' place, around fifty minutes, so I stayed with them until I got a nice apartment – nice is relative.

But I'm still stuck there. And even though my job is ok, my colleagues are a nightmare. I've harassed by at least three of them – two women and one man. I want to kill them but when I tried to do something about it, it became worse. The real problem is, I need the experience to find another job so I can't just leave to go though the process of finding a new one. Again. Therefore, my vacation to Italy was long due and I can't wait to get there.


"Your plane won't wait for you!"

Well, that's not entirely true, if I arrive like ten minutes late, they might still board me. A friend of mine, who is a flight attendant, told me that. But still, I don't want to delay my flight, I want to get to Naples as soon as possible. Actually, now wouldn't be soon enough.

I zip my suitcase while seating on it: I've always been a bit of a "just in case" person. So my luggage is full to the brim.

I run down the stairs, my suitcase in my hands and almost fall down on my face. I don't need a freaking broken nose.

My mother is there, in front of the door, waving at me.

"Come on, come on, your father is already in the car."

I rush trough the door and into the car, remembering everything that I should have and if I recall putting in my suitcase or my bag.

"You have everything, stop stressing sweetheart" my father tells me from behind the wheel.

"You don't know me as well as you used to... I always forget something now..."

I used to be a very down to Earth child but that kinda changed over the years. I got more and more lost in my head and books or movies don't help. I wish I was leaving another life, one with dragons and royalty... You know.

So now, I always double or triple check, just in case. So that I don't keep my phone in my pocket while going on a jet ski. Never found my phone in the ocean – shocker.

My mother is now next to my dad and yelling at him to hurry even though I'll still be two hours early, which is the time required by the company I chose.

"Honey, calm down. We're getting there."

I contemplate my dad, he's always called my mother by a pet name and I constantly think that my parents' love is something I want to find in my life. As a romance reader, I'm a hopeless romantic and my parents' love story is my perfect fairy tale.

God, no need to think about my romantic life or salivate about my parents' love.

We go though villages and get into the city, near the airport in no time because my dad is a fast driver – something my mom will go on about fir hours. I swear, the entire family knows that one time, he almost went through a cliff because he was driving too fast. And that we paid around ten thousands euros in fines. I still don't know if it's an exaggeration or not.

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