King Cross Station

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Just one month after her parents had died, she was caught practicing wandless magic, and was alienated because of it. She was brutally bullied by both the kids and the matron, but remained as kind as she could. She never fought back unless it was to help another child who was being bullied.

Soon, the younger kids seemed to respect and like her, but all the older ones despised her. The matron often forced her to go without food, or would lock her in the closet for what seemed like nothing. However, when she was caught getting into trouble, sneaking food to the younger kids, accidental or wandless magic, or setting up a prank for one of the older kids who had teased one of the younger, she was beaten. Cane, whip, ruler - the matron seemed to not care how it was done, as long as it was. Attempting to beat the 'freakishness' out of Lyra was one of the matron's favorite hobbies.

So when she got her letter, as an eleven year old, she was both relieved and scared.

McGonagall came to pick her up the next day, to escort her to diagon alley, and to tell her how to get to the train on September 1st. The start of term neared, and Lyra counted down the days on a price of paper in her room.

Unfortunately, most of the younger kids were the ones who were the most likely to be adopted. Nearly every child that liked Lyra was adopted that summer, and the new kids were warned away from her.

Lyra closed the door behind her and ran to the curb. She stuck out her wand arm, and sure enough, a red triple decker bus appeared in front of her. She smiled at all the memories of the bus from the books, and allowed the conductor to help her aboard.

"Kings Cross Station, please," She said, sitting down on the chair closest to the driver and digging out eleven sickles that she had gotten from her parent's vault for her ride.

When she arrived at platform nine and three quarters, she couldn't stifle a laugh, at how ridiculous the whole thing was. She was a witch! A goddamn witch. Who remembered their previous life. It was both absurd and unreasonable, yet this was her life. Absurd and unreasonable.

Plastering a smile on her face, she made her way through the crowded station, hoping to get on the train before all the compartments filled up. Out of nowhere, a boy pushed past her, and she lost her balance.

She pitched forward, unable to stop, and was about to faceplant on the floor when two strong arms grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright.

She turned around, smiling kindly at the person who had helped her.

"Thank you, I didn't look forward to meeting the floor so soon!" She said.

He chuckled and stuck out his hand. "James Potter, pleased to meet you,"

Ah. Now that he said it, she could see it - hazel eyes, messy Potter hair, high quality clothes and trunk. She shook his hand lightly, and gave him her name. They were going to continue talking, but the train's whistle blew. The messy haired boy shot her a look of pure panic and grabbed both of their trunks, one in each hand, and sprinted toward the train.

"C'mon, Johnson, were gonna miss the train!" He yelled over his shoulder.

She shook her head and indulged him, running toward the scarlet engine. When both were aboard, she took her trunk and headed in the opposite direction, knowing James needed to meet Sirius on his own.

"Thanks again, Potter! See you around!" She called, searching the compartments for Remus. 15 minutes later, she found him, sitting alone and reading a book. She entered the compartment and sat right across from him, smiling at his shocked face.

"Hello, I'm Lyra Johnson," she said, instilling as much warmth and confidence as she could in her voice.

"Remus Lupin," he murmured, looking unsure.

"So, Lupin, what house do you want to be in?"

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