He Wins, Or I Do, It's Simply The Same

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        I woke up and went to my dorm and I got changed, and went down with Hermione. Strangely, on my way to the great hall, I collided with someone,and noticed a platinum blonde gelled headed boy passing by with two trollish goons. Has to be Malfoy. But think about it, yesterday, when I was dismissed from the hospital wing, Albus came and told me Malfoy was the one to report about me to Severus, and accompany him to escort me to the infirmary, and he had even spent the whole time there, until he felt Harry would awaken any moment.Strange.Really weird. I mean he bullies the people of the school, like he owns it, like we all are his bloody servants, he even treats the muggleborns like scum, the purebloods of other houses along with half-bloods as filth, but here he goes goo goo and concerned over me. He behaves so badly with my brother and my friends. But he behaves in a soft manner like a civilized person with me, why? And why did that mirror show an older me, with an older Malfoy, along with mum, dad, Harry, Sirius, Minerva and Albus, along with Lucius, and Narcissa Malfoy along with Severus and that lunatic Bellatrix Lestrange? Why? And why did Ollivander tell that the owners of the wands, who are destined for each other, are standing right in front of him, in his very shop. I was so engrossed in thoughts, I didn't know what was going around me at all. But a prod on my shoulder, brought me back to reality. I saw Ron and Hermione looking at me with concern.
        "Say Katherine, what's bothering you?"asked Hermione.Should I tell them? Hermione, definitely a yes, but Ron knowing what a blabber mouth he is........................................................I wonder whether I should tell them. Right then, we heard brother's voice, as we looked down the railing,to find him out of the infirmary, in his Gryfindor robes. After all today is the ending Feast of the year. I smiled as I saw him in front of me, as he looked up at us.
        "Alright there Ron?"he asked. Wow, he asks him first. Great.
        "Alright. You?"he asked back.
        "Alright. " he replied."Hermione?"he asked. Wow forget your sister. I huffed and went inside the hall, as I heard Hermione reply with 'never better' to him. Well, live without your sister then Harry James Potter. I decided not to sit with them, I mean, I had had enough of them giving more attention to Harry, just because of a ruddy scar, and surviving the killing curse. I will not talk to them, as for Harry he is more bothered about them, than his own family. Now, I understand, why aunt Petunia treats him so badly.I went and sat down beside Oliver, facing Malfoy by a certain angle. Fred and George came in, and sat beside me.Angelina and Alicia joined as well. Well take that brother. 
        After a few moments, the hall was already full.It was decked in silver and green in Slytherin colors, and banners of hissing serpents flagged the hall at equal intervals. Most people stood up as the trio entered. Bull fucking shit to you. I ignored them, as I saw them looking for me.Albus arrived soon, as he smiled at me.Everyone stopped talking as the babbling died away.
        "Another year gone. And now as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding. And the points stand as thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points. Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points. In second place Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place, with 522 points, Slytherin House. "he announced. Harry and most people clapped glumly, as Slytherin had won the seventh year in a row.
        "Woo Hoo"the Slytherins screamed like small children.
        "Nice one mate."said Malfoy. He then made a silly face at Harry and Ronald, and Ronald sneered. I smiled at Malfoy and hid a smile.Malfoy noted it though, and strangely he smiled.

        Draco's P.O.V.:-

        There she was, sitting beside the Weasel twins and that blood traitor Wood, and that half-blood girls....................................the girl of my dreams........................Katherine Bellindariamara Potter. The princess of Gryfindor. The dragoness of Hogwarts. I lay my eyes on the girl, who so made the atmosphere around herself so happy, even in such gloomy times.  As I looked at her, I couldn't help but smile as I stared like an idiot at her. I didn't even care, that she is the twin of my arch rival, Harry Potter. I didn't care that she is Katherine Potter, a girl born to make you wish for her. The girl who made me wish, that I could have her in my arms, as I hold her delicate self. Dumbledore rose to the podium, and all the babbling died down.
        "Another year gone. And now as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding. And the points stand as thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points. " as those reckless idiots clapped hiding their heads. "Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." he announced as those idiots clapped away, " In second place Ravenclaw with 426 points." he announced as I watched those know-it-all nerds clap away."And in first place, with 522 points, Slytherin House."he announced. I clapped with enthusiasm, as I watched others clapping glumly, all apart from the Slytherins and Katherine.
        "Woo Hoo!"shouted a house mate of mine.
        "Nice one mate"I said to him, as I made a silly face to the trio. The mudblood glared, as Potty ignored me, and Weasel sneered back. Though, surprisingly, I saw Katherine trying to hide a smile. Wow, I made her smile. I smiled at this. But the old man, Dumbledore opened his mouth again. 
        "Yes, yes. Well-done Slytherin. Well-done Slytherin. However recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss. Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect when others were in grave peril. 50 points."he said as I growled internally. Of course, that know-it-all mudblood. I noted Katherine not looking at them. What had happened?
        "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points."he announced. Weasel has brains inside his head? Wow new fact to take in."Third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor House 60 points."he announced.Wow, scarhead, always has to get the bloody attention. "And to Ms. Katherine Potter, for the cool use of logic in place of fire, I award Gryffindor House, 60 points."he announced. Wow, knew she was not just bubbly and with attitude but a beauty with brains in it, a perfectionist. I clapped loudly as she smiled, stood up and bowed gracefully. My girl, wish I could say it aloud. Hold a Merlin's second, they tied with us."And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies. But a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom. "he announced as I noted Longbottom go into shock. Wow, Longbottom is brave? Never knew that."Assuming my calculations are correct I believe that a change of decoration is in order. "he clapped as the hall's decorum changed from silver and green to gold and scarlet. The hissing serpent banners, changed to that of the roaring lion."Gryffindor wins the House Cup!"he announced as those Gryffindor flung their bowler hat's like it was bloody graduation.I was sad, that Slytherin lost even after such hard work, but happy that Dumbledore did not ignore Katherine's contribution. She deserves it after all, for making people around her happy all the time. But she's ignoring the trio, why?

        Kat's P.O.V.:-

        We flung our hats in the air, as we cheered, happy as we rejoiced in merry making. But, even if Gryfindor hadn't won, even if Slytherin had won, or Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, it didn't matter to me. He wins or I do, it's simply the same...................after all Slytherin wins or Gryfindor, it's still a Hogwarts victory.

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