BB vs Anyone = BB (well known fact)

Start from the beginning

Then his fingers clench in the sheets, enough that she notices.

"Luke, Ninja?" she seems conflicted, who to go to. Her voice is so hopeful though.

"We can help Phil with the last check, you look after Luke." I say before she can panic, standing as I say it. Her eyes are so thankful, then she's right there, checking him over, taking his vitals, Phil gestures to us, calling us over. North has started breathing on his own by the time the screaming starts.

Screams of pure terror. Luke's suddenly sitting bolt upright, screaming, his arms flailing, one catches Sang across the face, she reels back, for a second, then she moves forward and does what she did when he woke up before, waits for him. She seems to be doing her best to not restrict him at the same time, even as he keeps screaming, and screaming.

His now opening sobbing, begging, begging someone to stop, Sang has just as many tears streaming down her face.

"Ninja...Ninja, come back to me... Ninja dai, torna da me, torna da me, Não me deixe, nós precisamos de você, volte para mim, Ninja. Come on Luke, you can't forget us, come back. My vse nuzhdayemsya v tebe kak nash nindzya... " she's whispering, flicking through different languages, all of the one I recognise asking him to come back to her, or words to that variation. Her voice remains calm soothing. But he is still begging, still telling someone to stop, to stop something, she shuffles the tiniest bit closer, one hand reaches out, but she doesn't touch him, his eyes don't seem to be able to focus on anything. "Ninja!" her voice is a tiny bit louder, he pauses for a moment, something gets through, but then he screams again. "Ninja!" louder again, around her eye is already turning darker, Luke's eyes focus for a moment, we are all watching, forgetting that North is also due to wake up.

Luke's eyes finally find her face, her tear-stained bruised face, where she is begging him to come back to her (still in so many different languages, some I didn't even release she spoke), as much as his begging some unnamed person to stop. He stops screaming, I don't know if that because his back or because his out of breath. His breathing is ragged. He stares. She stares. They both seem to be waiting for something.

Then his hands come up, cupping her face, his fingers tracing her jaw, as though his checking it's her, I don't ever want to know what he just went through in his head. For the last few weeks, stuck in his head. His fingers trace her lips, her eyebrows, they wipe her tears away, they skim across under her eyes, they trace the exhaustion present on her face, they end up on her lips again. Her hands come up, their fingers intwining. I feel like we are all encroaching on some kind of utterly private moment. With a tug, she moves (falls) forward, ending up in his lap, straddling him, inches from his face, both now breathing the same air. Eyes fully locked on each other. Both still have tears rolling down their cheeks, you can see them having a conversation with their eyes, no one wants to break the silence. Finally, someone does.

"Baby..." North groans from in front of us. Everyone's head snaps to him, including Sang's and Luke's. Luke's arms tightens around Sang, who gives him a confused looks as she moves to go to North, Luke still refuses to let go, S's eyes meet mine, I can see rising panic, at the fact she's trapped, even if she trusts Luke with her life, she hates being confined. You see it whenever she walks into a room and checks every exit- twice. You see it when she takes so long to trust people, and you see it when she pulls away whenever it gets too much, even with us.

"Luke?" her voice is still steady at the moment. But it won't be for long. He buries his face into her hair, tugging her in closer, "Luke?" his grip tightens for a second before he looks up, still not talking. They have another of their eye conversations, she dips her head, millimetres away from his lips, he closes the gap, for a second, they stay there. Her lips move gently, then he lets her go, his hands dropping do that they just grip her feet, like he need contact with her, as she moves over to North.

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