Chapter 3/第3章

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Tanjiro POV:
Wait.. I said his name.. I'm not dead? Seems like I can say his name but when I said his name, why did I feel such a strange aura.. Did he find me? Maybe I shouldn't say his name ever again. For the safety of me and my loved ones. I will never say his name again. Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Aoi, Tamayo, Yushiro and Genya.. I will never let him hurt them, I will protect the only family I have left..

Now that I think about it, I should've died, Yushiro never talks about him but Tamayo can say his name thanks to all the experiments, so why didn't I die



"Tanjiro come here" Yoriichi said when little Tanjiro walked towards him "papa" said smol Tanjiro smiling happily and hugging his father "Good job Tanjiro!" Said Yoriichi smiling happily. He barely showed emotions, he showed them only to his wife or his son. Uta loved Tanjiro very much and always tried to make him happy. Like any mother would do. Unfortunately Uta died when Tanjiro was only two years old. She was killed by a demon, Tanjiro didn't understand why his mother suddenly stopped playing with him and dissapeared, Yoriichi was devastated but still tried to be strong for Tanjiro, for his only child

Yoriichi ended up dying because of unkøwn causes, Sumiyoshi and Suyako  took the poor boy in and treated him as their own son. Tanjiro always remembered Yoriichi and Uta he had never forgotten about them, but he also loved Suyako and Sumiyoshi as his own family, when he got older they gave him a haori like they had, a green and blach checkered haori.

"Miss are you a demon?"

"Tamayo-sama!" "I told you to call me Tamayo dear"


"I don't understand how did that happen.. I don't like this!"

"I.. I killed them?.."

"I don't want to eat humans!"

"No... You're lying! They are not dead! They aren't! Please tell me they aren't.."

"I'm Nezuko Kamado, and you?" "Oh I'm Tanjiro Kamado.." "Wait Kamado?"

"I will protect you Zenitsu! I promise I will!"

"Whenever I look at them, I can see my family.."

"I will not fail to save my family this time"

"My family.. Why can't I remember how they look like?.. I know their names but when I think of them their faces are... blank.... Why don't I remember how they look like? All the memories with them are normal but their faces are always blank"

End of flashbacks

Tanjiro POV:
"Tanjiro c'mon we have a mission!" I heard Nezuko say. I'm happy she takes me with her, I can protect her like that. "Coming!" I yelled and got ready. Our mission was to look on Natagumo mountain, there were reports of spider demons living there.

We got started walking Inosuke is still loud as ever and Zenitsu is whining. Sometimes they can be annoying but I see them as my younger siblings and I wouldn't trade them for anything. When we got there we run into the forest and saw a black-haired guy, Nezuko quickly introduced herself "Hi I'm Nezuko Kamado tenth rank in demon slayer corpse" She said "Tenth rank? They should've send a pillar! At this point they could've just sent nobody since you are useless" He said and then Inosuke punched him in the face and yelled at him "SHUT UP! YOU ARE THE USELESS ONE HERE" at this point I didn't stop him, that guy deserved it.

We learned that the slayers who got send here suddenly started attacking eachother, that was pretty weird since it was against the rules, demon slayers can't hurt eachother. We then continued till we saw slayers and they started attacking us.

After we defeated them we continued, we needed to find the person who was controlling them, Nezuko said that it was little spiders who attached string to them and took the second end of the strings to the person controlling them. So now we just needed to find that person.

Nezuko POV:
We were on our way but then a big body without a head apeared and started attacking us. We managed to cut it's arm of and it died(?) so we managed to find the person controlling everyone, it was a woman with white paper skin, snowy hair and ice blue eyes, she had red dots all over her face, I pulled out my nirichin blade and jumped towards her she looked me with widened eyes but then she just accepted her fate and reached her hands towards me, I used fifth form of water breathing and cut her head off, I felt bad what did happened to her that she wanted to die.

Zenitsu got separated from us and Inosuke was fighting te spider father. Me and Tanjiro were trying to find the spider boy when we saw him he then revealed his rank he's lower moon five.

Tanjiro POV:
We saw a spider boy when he revealed himself as lower moon five I got scared?.. Kinda.. I knew the twelve kizuki were the strongest demons, they got the most of his blood, Tamayo wanted me to get their blood to make cure for demons. But I got scared because I knew the danger if he could tell him about me. I don't know if he still thinks I'm dead but even if he knows I'm alive this spider boy could tell him about the people with me and I couldn't let that happen.

I quickly took out my nirichin blade and went to attack him, well it wasn't mine sword, it was one of the dead slayers so I just took it. He then let some strings at me they were red. I dodged them and cut his head off. He was pretty weak for a lower moon, I then took his blood and Nezuko prayed for him. I pated his back and let him decay.

"Impressive Tanjiro"

Tanjiro POV:
What was that? Nezuko didn't seem to hear that, like it was in my head. It sounded like that man I met in the past.. Like the person who turned me into a demon. I didn't hate him, that was not true.. To explain my feelings for him, if I was in a room with every demon ever and had a nirichin blade, I do cut him into pieces and then I do think about other demons in there. No but really I hate him for turning me into a demon and killing my family. Two hundred years back I figured out the person who killed Sumiyoshi Suyako and Sumire was that man it was the person I hated the most it was all his fault.

I will help Tamayo create the cure, turn Tamayo and Yushiro into humans and kill him. I don't care if I die in the process I will succeed. He won't win.

"Oh but I will Tanjiro.. Soon, very soon you will serve under me. And you will respect me. And Tamayo will pay for what she did. No matter how hard you try, I will kill her and make you fear me. Very soon, with your help Tanjiro Kamado Tsugikuni I will conquer the sun and I will rule the whole world."

Word count: 1235

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