445 20 6

more brainrot mxtx group chats? you bet!

in the demonic trio group chat

bingbingpup: WHO THE FUCK

bingbingpup: MESSED WITH MY HAIR


weiwufucker: send pls

bingbingpup: WEI WUXIAN WAS IT YOU

weiwufucker: hey just because most of the time it's me 

weiwufucker: doesn't mean that it's me this time 

crimsonrain: no it was definitely you

weiwufucker: HUA-GE! 

crimsonrain exited the chat 

weiwufucker: oh fuck

bingbingpup: i knew it was you wei wuxian you little bitch ass motherfucker

weiwufucker: mind your language

bingbingpup: then get this ramen ass looking haircut off of me!

weiwufucker: what you wanna go bald?

wei wuxian has exited the chat 

meanwhile in the main 6 group chat 

axian: lan zhan! lan zhan!

bunzhan: wei ying?

axian: luo da-ge was bullying me!

shizunsimp: wei wuxian messed with my hair first!

axian: i did not

shizunsimp: you did

cucumberbro: ok but let's not talk about the hair

cucumberbro: but luo binghe wtf is that username

gegenumber1: that's coming from you, peerless cucumber

xieliangege: let's not fight please? 

xieliangege: take this to dm's maybe?

gegenumber1: don't mind those idiots, gege. we can go to our own private chat

cucumberbro: get a fucking room

gegenumber1: that's literally what we were about to do, peerless cucumber

gegenumber1 has logged off

xieliangege has logged off

cucumberbro: that cunt

shizunsimp: now back to my hair

axian: no, not back to your hair 

axian: you're just using this as an excuse to bully me

shizunsimp: and what will you do about it?

axian: i dont know...

axian: show them that video of you dressing up as a furry while drunk?

shizunsimp: WEI WUXIAN

axian: aah! so scary, lan zhan come save me!

bunzhan: mn 

axian has logged off

bunzhan has logged off

shizunsimp: ...

shizunsimp: shizun?

cucumberbro: don't even think about it

cucumberbro has kicked shizunsimp out of the chat

cucumberbro: the shit i have to deal with 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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