thirteen / all I ask ~ part twelve

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a/n: confession time sometimes I write y/n making the wackiest decisions ever on purpose because you guys have the funniest reactions 💀 also I made a lot of dumb and impulsive choices when I was 17 too so...relatable! plus y/n has been traumatized by peter hating her for two months so like

anyway I wrote this while listening to a tasm peter spotify playlist I saw someone recommend on tumblr so like...if there's extra emotion in this that is absolutely why

oh and this is the last part. I know I said in an announcement a few days ago that there would be a part thirteen but I got confused on how many parts there actually were lol, and I think...I kind of like how I ended this. there are some things left unsaid that could justify another part, but I don't think I'd be as satisfied if I made another one. maybe one day in the future :) but hope you guys enjoyed this fic and thank you again for all the love <3

warnings: language, ummmmmm y/n bestie are you going to get it together in this part? 🤨, mayyyybe rushed but you know what. three thousand words is three thousand words and my hands can't take any more!

Peter's picture was haunting you.

You knew it was stupid, but every picture of him you had on your wall - and there were quite a few - felt like they were taunting you, making you feel even more guilty, and you were getting sick of it.

It wasn't right, the way you left, you knew that - but maybe those fight or flight instincts you always had around Spider-Man had just transferred to Peter once you knew who he really was, because you couldn't stay there any longer.

Now you were trying to apply to jobs while also avoiding Peter's eyes in every picture you had. 

There was a part of you that knew this wasn't the end - of course it wasn't, unless Peter decided he didn't want to put up with your drama anymore. But you knew that wasn't the case, not with the way he begged you to listen to his explanation.

The part of you that kept applying for jobs, knowing you wanted to stop being Black Cat to make him happy and to better yourself to be deserving of him, knew that it wasn't over after one argument. A really one-sided argument, at that.

Still, you couldn't bring yourself to go back to him. You were still hurt, you were embarrassed, you were annoyed, you were guilty - you hated it. 

You glanced up at one of the pictures before sighing and bringing your laptop to your bed so you wouldn't feel their gaze any closer.

There was no homework since it was winter break, there were no holiday preparations with your friends since you were avoiding the group chat, there was no college applications since you finished them all. The only thing you really needed to do was apply for jobs, and you felt like your eyes were crossing by the time the sun went down.

When your phone dinged from a text, you looked at it nervously, but it was just Flash sending another text to the decathlon chat. You almost felt bad, since everyone was ignoring him, but the text he sent made you ignore that fleeting feeling.

You stared at the picture, some emotion bubbling in your chest. You needed to block him if he was going to keep sending you Spider-Man pictures at the worst times.

This one wasn't as revelational as the gif he sent that helped you in discovering Spider-Man's identity, but it wasn't any better. It was him, probably after a fight or a save or something equally heroic, talking with a little girl in her dad's arms. 

Peter Parker Imagines Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin