three / all I ask ~ part two

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a/n: glad you guys liked the first part. you got a big storm comin :)

warnings: language, fighting, ummmmmm might hurt lol!

After hearing a million different possible ways meeting your soulmate could feel like, you realized now what description of the "click" was most accurate.

Last year, you found a soulmate book while doing a research project. Since you liked reading in your free time, and you loved learning about soulmates, you picked it up. You didn't remember the author's name, or what the rest of the book even had in it. But one of the click descriptions just stuck. 

They said it was like waiting for years and years before finally coming home. It was like getting the last stroke of a painting perfect and knowing it would be your best masterpiece. It was like finally, finally reading the last line of a book that you realized was now your favorite read of all time.

Like fitting the last puzzle piece in the world's largest puzzle.

Your eyes widened as you felt just that, like something shifted into place. Suddenly, Peter felt too close and too warm and you didn't have to question if it was really the click or not - you were certain. No amount of stories from books or movies could have really prepared you for meeting your soulmate, much less like this.

"Oh my God," you whispered, and Peter seemed to snap out of the trance you were both in. With more strength than you realized he had, his hands went to your shoulders and he pushed you off of him.

You felt surprised as you fell back, more out of shock  of what just happened rather than from him shoving you - you just had your click. With Peter. While you were Black Cat. Peter was your soulmate.

And said soulmate looked horrified.

"No, no way," he scrambled away from you, his back meeting the building wall. "Not you. It can't be you."

You didn't think anything Peter could ever say would hurt you as much as that did.

Something felt like it was squeezing your heart, and you forced yourself to stand up and move back. Of course he would say that - why would you expect any different? You were a wanted criminal that everyone in the city hated.

You didn't have time to process it right now, anyway. The sound of another car crashing into a building reminded you of that. 

Your voice felt tight as you finally managed to think of something to say, "Get out of here. It's dangerous."

Before you could wait for a response, you were already bolting back the other way. It was barely five minutes before you stopped looking over your shoulder, and unfortunately you were still in the thick of the chaos from the bank robber, who still hadn't been stopped by Spider-Man for some reason.

Unfortunately, you weren't on the top of your game, or you would have realized that Spider-Man not stopping that guy meant he was probably following you instead.

Meeting Peter as the version of you that everyone hates, and then having the click with him as that version, was messing too much with your head. So you didn't notice that someone was on your tail.

A web caught onto your leg and pulled you to the ground. 

Somehow, the anger you felt whenever you were in Spider-Man's presence managed to pull you out of your thoughts. A quick swipe of your switchblade broke the web's hold on you, and you scrambled up just in time to see your least favorite person.

Peter Parker Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now