Prologue: A Game?

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A butterfly is seen flying in the window of a boy with s/c and lime green eyes. The boy was seen stumbling to get his glasses, he throws on a clock necklace. He looks at the desk, to see a bunch of metal tools and gadgets and picks one up. He puts it in his backpack. He knocks lightly on a door, opening it to see his younger sister hooked up to medical equipment. The young man checks it, and makes sure everything is in order before he closes the door. He walks out the front door, he looks up and fixes his glasses. Looking to the windows, the boy smiles, holding his bag at his side before throwing it over his shoulder. He then walked into another room, seeing his little brother sleeping. "My name...? I didn't think it was really that important for you to know. I'm not really the kind of kid anyone would want to know, or rather, get to know."

The boy passes by two kids who look at him and slid past him, "sorry, mister!"

They run on as the boy nods and puts a hand in his pants, "I mean, who'd want to know that smart kid? The cliché clueless kid who avoids social cues? How about the kid who got bullied and forgave his bullies? Yeah, that's all of mine. Stories that have been told till the beginning of time, or at least when people started to realize how to put a pen to a paper and make it work. No one wants to hear a story about me, a 17-teen year old going through the motions."

The boy is seen walking into school, avoiding people and keeping his head down to avoid confrontation. The boy looked at his classroom, but then he decided to walk away. He was suddenly lifted in the air, "I don't think you're ready to skip class just yet, Y/n."

"Yep, there you have it. My first name. Can you guess my last?" Y/n spoke to you as he was dropped on the floor, Y/n caught himself and looked at his best friend. "And this is Yukino Mayuzumi. We met in the weirdest way, that I can't really talk about right now, but I can at a later time. You know, when I'm not being scolded."

"I was just headed to the bathroom, yeah, that's it." Y/n tried to lie as his voice was so quiet, Yukino almost didn't hear him.

"You know you're not a good liar. You've already gotten called to the office, you're a smart kid." Yukino said as she kept talking, lecturing him.

Y/n looked to the side, quietly but unamused. "Here she goes again. The famous teacher speech. 'You could be so much better' stuff. When we're not in school, she's actually really...relaxed? I should just say she's not always like this. And yes, I've been called to the office, but I never got in trouble. I just..."

"Happen to be at the wrong place and the wrong time, I know, I know." Yukino crossed her arms, getting a little mad. "But you need to look out for the clues!"

"Of course, Yukino draws a crowd quickly. She had that aura around her of trouble, but somehow I stand out more. But with one stare, she can send them off." Y/n said as he sighed and just walked into class. Yukino kept talking as Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her in the class. "It's like a superpower. Another would be knowing when to stop talking, that's my personal favorite."

"Wha-?" Yukino blushed as Y/n let go.

"I'm here, alright? Might as well sit down." Y/n said, keeping to himself. Yukino sighed and sat down as well, kinda disappointed he let go. The class filled up, and soon started. "Right, left you waiting, didn't I? Well, since you're still here, I assume you know what's to come. A story about me is boring, by its self. So, let's tell you a 'interesting' one. A story about how a couple of kids entered a world they never imagined. It all started with this game... Persona...."

The Clock Starts Ticking (Persona 1 x Reader) [On Break]Where stories live. Discover now