Under The Full Moon

Start from the beginning

He just sighed and placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back and then he pulled away. "I should go." He said. "Tyler, wait." I said, grabbing his hand, stopping him from leaving. "What?" He asked. "Can we just catch up? I missed you." I said. He just laughed and grabbed my hand. He led me out of the room and caught me up on his progress. I caught him up on how I'm doing but I kept some things hidden. As we got out Jules walked up to us. "What are you doing here?" Tyler asked. "I should be asking you that. I told you not to come." Jules said. "She's my mother. I had to." Tyler said. "Now we have to get out of here; Lock ourselves up before tonight." Jules said. We continued walking outside when Caroline bumped into us. "Tyler? Jules. Rose?" She was confused. "I'll give you a few minutes." Jules said. "Thank you." Tyler said. I felt awkward, I know that Caroline has some feelings for Tyler and that Tyler has some feelings for Caroline and I'm just in the middle. "Just a few, Tyler." Jules reminded. "I got it." Tyler said. She left and we were alone. "She's just making sure I'm safe." Tyler explained. "So what, are you two, like, friends now?" Caroline asked. "She's been helping me. How are you?" He asked. "I heard about your mom. I just came to check in on her." Caroline said. "She's banged up, but she'll be ok." Tyler said. I just nodded my head. "And you? Um...How's everything with you?" She asked. "I'm hanging in there." Tyler said. "Good." Caroline said. "Yeah. I should get going. Jules and I need to get on the road." He said. "Wait. You're leaving again?" I asked, with sadness in my voice. "I left for a reason, Roslynn." He said. "Your explanation must have gotten lost in the mail, along with your goodbye." I said. "Well...Take care of yourself." He said. I tried to hold back the tears. "Tyler..." I said, wanting to fight the tears. Suddenly Caroline holds her head and screams and moments later so did Tyler.

I gripped my head in pain and screamed. I hit the ground and I could see Tyler wanting to get to me but he wasn't able to. Everything went muffled and I passed out. I groaned in pain as I woke up. I went to stand up but I fell back down. I looked up at my wrists to see them chained up. I looked over to my right and saw Tyler and then looked to my left to see Caroline. My head was pounding. What did they do for me? What did they do to us? Tyler woke up and he went frantic. "Rose! Rose!" He called out. "Ty I'm right here. Can you keep your voice down? My head is pounding like a stack of bricks." I said, groaning. He looked over and went calm. "Sorry. Where are we?" He asked. "Fell's Church Tomb." I answered. "Why?" He asked. "I think I have an idea. Can you try and break the chains?" I asked. He nodded his head and gave it a try. When they didn't break he tried again. When it didn't work he gave up. "Ro, what's going on?" He asked. "You don't want to know. There's been a lot happening since you left. And I'm pretty sure that we are screwed. Hopefully someone is able to get us out of here." I said. I tried getting up again only to fall. "Ro what's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. Whatever the witches did to me it worked." I said. Finally Caroline woke up. "Tyler? Roslynn?" Caroline asked. "You all right?" He asked. "Yeah. I think so." She said. She tried breaking the chains but failed. "He already tried." I said. She tried to stand up but fell. "Those witches vervained me." Caroline said. "Who were they?" Tyler asked. "I think they're with Klaus." Caroline said. I nodded my head. "Who the hell is Klaus?" Tyler asked. We didn't answer. "Tyler...You shouldn't have come back here." I said, knowing what the outcome of this situation would be if no one comes to save us.

Tyler asked us to fill him in on everything. "The whole sun and moon curse is fake?" Tyler asked. "That's what Elena and Roslynn learned. Klaus still needs to do the sacrifice, but it's just not for that." Caroline said. "And you think that's why they grabbed us? For the sacrifice." Tyler asked. "Yes." I said. "He's going to kill us?" He asked. "I think so." Caroline said. "Yes." I said at the same time. "This whole time I've been gone, Jules has been helping me come to terms with what I am. How to deal with it. I guess none of it matters anymore." Tyler said. I just shook my head. "Why didn't you say goodbye? You just left." Caroline said. "You want to talk about this now?" He asked. "Well, if we're going to die, we might as well know the truth. Why did you leave us?" Caroline asked. "I knew you hated me Caroline. I thought Roslynn deserved better than having someone like me in her life." He said. I was shocked. "I was hurt. You know, you turned your back on me when I needed you. But...I could never hate you, Tyler." Caroline said. "Tyler, I will always need you in my life. Who else knows how to make me laugh when days are rough? Who knows how to cheer me up when I'm sad?" I smiled at him but that was all ruined when my curse stepped in. I screamed as my back was in pain. "Ro!" Tyler tried fighting the chains to get to me. My head started pounding and I was crying. "Make it stop." I whispered. "Ro, look at me. Look at me. I'm right here." He said. I shook my head and prayed that the pain would go away. The pain subsided and I looked up to see Tyler's face. "You need to drink. What do we do?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. I need to handle this without the drink." I said, horsley. I yanked my head back at the sudden pain. "Ow." I said, looking down. "Ro, who's hurt?" Caroline asked.

I shook my head. "If I try to determine that, I have to relive it. And right now I don't want to relive it." I said. Suddenly the door to the tomb opened up. "Damon?" Caroline asked. He waltzed in and looked at her. "Your boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets. You have some explaining to do." He said. "What, Matt?" She asked. "Matt knows about you?" Tyler and I asked. "No, I..." Caroline went speechless. "Shh. Tomorrow's problem." Damon said, he broke her free and she got up. "Let me just get you out of here." Damon said. "Wait, Damon no! I'm not leaving without them." Caroline said. "Ohhh. It's getting dark soon." Damon said, pointing out Tyler's part in the danger. "How fast can you get the hell away from here?" Damon asked. "I need to get to my family's cellar. I can lock myself up." Tyler said. "I'll help." Caroline and I said. Damon comes over and crouches in front of him. "Don't make me regret this." He said. He broke Tyler's chains and then broke mine. When I went to get up I fell back down. Tyler came over and picked me up. "What did they do to her?" Damon asked as we made our way outside. "It might be her curse and the effects of what the witches did to her." Tyler explained. Once we made it out Matt was groaning, Caroline rushed over to him. "Hey, Matt!" She looked at Damon. "Hey. Did you hit him?!" Caroline asked. "Did you already forget about the part with the gun and the wooden bullets?" Damon asked. Tyler placed me down and grabbed his chest as he growled and looked up to the moon. I crawled over to him and grabbed his free hand. "Tyler? Tyler?" Caroline freaked out. "It's starting." Tyler groaned. "Grab boy wonder and empath and let's go." Damon said.

Damon came and swept me up as Caroline tended to Matt. "Come on." She said. Trekking through the woods was scary for a moment. "What's happening? Is he ok?" Matt asked about Tyler. "He better not wolf out on us." Damon said. His phone started to ring so he passed me off to Caroline and he answered his phone. "Bad time, little bro." Damon said. "Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put." Damon spoke. I looked back at Tyler in fear. "What?" Damon asked. "I'll take care of it." Damon said, aggravated. He hangs up and Tyler doubles over and falls to the ground. I screamed in pain that I have never felt before. His transformation is happening. "Tyler!" Matt called out. "I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here." Tyler groaned, trying to fight back enough. "Caroline put me down!" I said. She was hesitant but did. I was able to walk over to him before falling. "Tyler, it'll be ok." I said. "Go!" He groaned. "You've got time. We're almost there, just." I tried to plead with him, fighting everything my curse is trying to make me feel. "It's happening faster." He said. "Tyler, it's ok." I said. He looked at me, eyes yellow. He rushes over towards Caroline but Damon intercepts him. They fell to the ground, Tyler pinning Damon on his back. Damon tries to fight back but Tyler bites him in the process. I yelped in pain."Damon..." Caroline looked at him, knowing what this meant for him. "I'm fine." Damon said. "Get out of here!" Tyler said. "Tyler." I whimpered. "Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it held him in, it'll keep him out. If it doesn't...use these." Damon gives Caroline and Matt the wooden bullets. "It'll buy you a couple seconds. Go! Go!" Damon yelled at us.

Matt came and grabbed me as they ran to the cellar. I looked back in tears. I screamed in pain as Tyler continued transforming. We were halfway there when I told Matt to put me down. "Matt put me down." I said. "No, you aren't strong enough." Matt said. "Matt. Put. Me. Down." I yelled at him. He looked into my eyes and placed me down. For some reason I had my strength back. We ran to the cellar and they went in. I looked inside and back behind me. "Ro, what are you doing?" Caroline asked. "I'm helping Tyler." I said. "Ro, he's gonna tear you apart." She said. "He won't." I said. "How do you know that?" Matt asked. "Because I have trust in him." I said, I shut the door and looked at them. "Ro, be careful." Caroline said. "I will. Now protect Matt, and protect yourself." I said. We all nodded and I ran back into the woods. As I was running I felt a pull. This time I followed it. As I made my way to it someone hit my head causing me to black out.

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