💜𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖💜

Start from the beginning

they all decided that the easiest thing to get would just be three or four pizzas. when it arrived, they turned on the tv and all sat comfortably. chaeryeong was leaning against ryujin, almost on her lap, yuna and jisu and yeji were all sitting to their right, as close to chaeryeong as they could get. heejin was on their left, sadly looking at them. she was happy for chaeryeong, truly, but her heart longed for the love they once shared. or... thought they once shared. all of her friends were next to her and on the floor, basically wherever they could sit.

the 17 girls enjoyed their evening together, not asking anymore questions or trying to figure out what happened to chaeryeong.

everyone eventually fell asleep. falling around in various places around the house. of course, chaeryeong was peacefully resting with ryujin. she felt safe with ryujin, ryujin helped her without even trying to. her presence always made everything around chae better.



the girls all woke some time in the early afternoon. they'd all had an exhausting night, and definitely had their much needed rest.

it was all still.. so complicated. a love triangle almost. heejin , chaeryeong , and ryujin. heejin didn't know what to do, she didn't know if she should even try to salvage the relationship her and chaer had. but, she knew she needed to talk to her

"chaeryeong?" she spoke; everyone looked at her, including ryujin and chaeryeong(who were talking / giggling / flirting on the couch). chaeryeong quietly replied back, "yes?" heejin cleared her throat. "can we talk? in private?" chaeryeong looked at ryujin nervously, but ryujin, knowing what they needed to talk about, ushered chaeryeong to go to heejin and talk with her.

and that's what she did, she got up and along with heejin, walked outside to the back porch

"what do you want to talk about.." chaeryeong asked quietly. heejin sighed, tears brimming the edge of her eyes.. threatening to fall.

"are... are we over?" she spoke barely over a whisper. chaeryeong didn't know what to say, she was shocked.. she hadn't even completely thought about this— we're they over?

she stuttered, "i.... i don't know..." heejin nodded, laughing bitterly.

"i see how you look at ryujin. i see how she makes you feel. i'm not blind chaer"
"no one said you were,,,"
"that's not the point chaeryeong. we are dating- we're supposed to be a couple. and i know you love her, she loves you. she's LOVED you. for ages. i'm happy for you, i am, and despite how much it hurts, i think it's best that me and you split up. so that you can be with her." she was trying her hardest not to burst out into tears. she didn't want their relationship to be over. she loved chaeryeong so much. she was her baby, someone she loved more than anyone... but she knew this was for the best

chaeryeong didn't cry. she didn't even react fully, she just .. stood there. in shock.

heejin nodded; she gave a small, broken hearted smile, before she kissed chaeryeongs cheek. and then she walked back inside.

chaeryeong stayed outside for a while. alone with her thoughts. before she wiped a tear from her eye, walking back indoors.

they didn't talk anymore after that, as, that was it. heejin and her friends leave ryujins house. this was a sad goodbye, but maybe not permanent... maybe there would be peace one day, maybe heejins heart wouldn't always ache the way it does now. maybe.... she can find someone better. she smiled to hyunjin as they left the house in silence.

no one brought up the situation to chaeryeong. they knew it was sensitive, and just tried their best to distract her. ryujin stayed by her side, yeji tried to keep the mood bright(being the protester / leader), jisu got games and toys and clothes and so many things and her and yuna used those as distractions to keep chaer happy.

everyone tried their best , and while most of the time it didn't completely work , it made chaeryeong feel a lot better than she did when she was younger

she felt... noticed
cared for

she felt loved.

for the first time in a long time.



uh... it's been a while- 🥲🥲
it has been so crazy.
idk if i ever told anyone this, but i moved schools. i made a friendgroup , mainly after that last post in january, i found my people.

i originally made these books when i had no friends back at my old school. my only comfort and happiness was the fictionality of these fun ships i so loved. i still love them, and i'm not ending the books here. it's just more difficult now because i'm so busy all the time (also i'm now a highschooler T-T) but i am trying my hardest!! i will really really try to get updates in at least every month. i will try.

from the bottom of my heart, i am so sorry for not updating in so long.
i hope you can all forgive me , and accept this welcome back chapter💕

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