Camilo first sight

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Bianca-Um ms Madrigal I have a surprise you may like it
Abuela-Bianca call be me Abuela you are part of our family
Bianca-oh okay um here(sees a ice statue of Antonio)
Abuela-oh is beautiful thank you so much
Bianca-welcome Miss- I mean Abuela
Camilo-wow you mad a good detail of my little bro
Bianca-yeah I wanted to be perfect
Camilo-so when's it my birthday you can do mine bonita
Bianca-milo stop with this nicknames bonito and probably I'll do it for your birthday
Camilo-fine whatever you say I going to go find Antonio or help with the decorations(gets out her room)
Dolores-I heard your heart pounding out of your chest
Camilo-what! My heart is fine
Dolores- really you blush every time you call her Bonita and she calls you milo or bonito
Dolores- I know you like her just try tell her how you feel about her okay
Camilo-what do you always have to be right
Dolores-because I'm the oldest and I know how it feels
(Short stories)

The Fire and Ice Gift Camilo x BiancaWhere stories live. Discover now