Chapter 26 - Secret

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" Why when we do our darkest deeds do we tell?
They burn in our brains, become a living hell
'Cause everybody tells
Everybody tells. "

'Secret' - The Pierces


Shannon eventually rolled off of Emily and lay next to her for a while, his hands folded across his chest gazing up at the ceiling of the hotel room, before turning his head to look across at Emily lying there next to him on the bed in exactly the same position. Slowly she turned her head to look back at him, moving her hands to take a hold of the sheet and pull it up to cover herself.

She saw Shannon frown as she did this, before raising a hand from his chest and reaching across to brush some hair out of her face with the back of it. She quickly turned her cheek away from him, shaking it off, and looking down at the sheet she had wrapped around herself, plucking at it with her fingers.

"Emily-" Shannon started to say before she cut him off.

"Shannon, don't." Emily mumbled.

"Soooo...are we just going to pretend now that this never happened?" He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow to look at her.

"Y-yes. Yes, we are." She tried to get out in a strong voice, but it wavered slightly and she chewed her bottom lip trying to regain her composure. "W-we didn't even use protection Shannon." She hissed at him, pulling herself to sit upright, clutching the sheet to her chest her bare back still exposed to him.

Shannon instantly shot upright when he heard her say this.

"I-I thought you'd be on the Pill." He ran a hand through his hair flustered starting to panic internally.

"Oh great. So, you planned for this to happen?" She glared across at him.

"What?! No! Although I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I'd thought about this happening since I met you in the shop earlier, but no I didn't." It was Shannon's turn to blush this time.

Emily shuffled to the edge of the bed, still gripping a hold of the sheet around herself. "For the record. I am on the Pill, but you didn't even bother to check." She turned her head looking over her shoulder at him, before making to stand up.

She felt Shannon reach out and grab one of her arms, pulling her back to stop her from getting up. Once again, she turned her head back to look at him. He had now pulled his boxers back on, but was still kneeling shirtless on the bed behind her. Instantly she felt her eyes being drawn back to his body and let them roam over it, memorising the way every muscle had curved and rippled as he had fucked her moments earlier.

"Hey now, that isn't fair. Come on Emily." Shannon gestured wildly. "I distinctly remember you telling me a few moments ago that you wanted me to fuck you. In fact, you were pretty much begging me" He narrowed his eyes at her.

She chewed her lip. "I need to go and clean myself up. Can I use your shower?" She stood up from the bed to face him still holding the bed sheet against her curvaceous frame.

"Sure. Go ahead." Shannon sighed, running a hand down his face. "It's over there." He pointed to his right. "You can use whatever you want."

"Thank you." Emily replied quietly, shuffling off in the direction in which he had pointed.

Shannon groaned to himself. He knew this had been a big mistake and hadn't quite meant to act on his fantasies. He had honestly just meant to bring her to his room to try and calm her down and figure out what exactly had been the problem with James asking her to marry him. But in true Shannon style he had once again let his dick do the talking.

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