2. The Journey

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I joined a camel-drawn carriage on my way to Baghuni.

Every time we stopped for water or rest, beggars would swarm us.

« Whoever travels must certainly possess silver. »

After I refused to hand a barefoot beggar a piece of silver, he blustered « Your face is darker than mine, and I'm full of dirt! » which did not fail to hurt my feelings, because I had never previously been insulted in such a way. I had always lived among mine. After this incident, we continued on our path and, as we travelled further from Al-Badriya into colder climate, I noticed common villagers' features and attire increasingly looking different from mine.

There I was, on my way to the city of Baghuni, to become the handyman of venerable Patriarch Khadri, a long-time friend of my father's. 

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