Not Listening When You Say Goodbye

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Sirius reached into his other pocket and produced a thicker gold band with diamond stars and carved moons etched all around. It seemed perfect for Sirius's finger, and he went ahead and placed it on, to Colleen's surprise.

"I've given it a lot of thought over the past few days, and I think Regulus would want us to have them. His journal seems to indicate that he wanted me to reconcile with the family, even in spite of everything. And these rings honor our family's celestial traditions, as well as connecting me to him, in the only real way since we were small boys."

Colleen nodded, appreciating what the rings meant to him and how they were helping him to heal at least some of his scars.

"I think they are beautiful, Sirius. And the story behind them, too— beautifully sad. But I don't know if your brother would want me to have this. I'm a Muggle, after all."

Sirius nodded. "I understand. But he also wanted me to be happy, and he understood what true love was. That being said, I want you to be comfortable and to love your ring completely. So you can decide which fits you best— either— or both, one on each hand," he laughed. "But I think I will keep this one for mine, if you're all right with that?"

Colleen drew his head to her and kissed him gently. "Of course I am. But shouldn't you wait until the wedding to wear it?"

Sirius shook his head. "I'm already married to you, my sweet love." He gave a quick tap to his heart. "Of course we'll make it official, in the wizarding world, when things settle down and most of my loved ones don't think me dead. We can go get the piece of paper in Muggle world whenever you'd like. But as of this moment, you are my wife, Colleen Black."

He took her left hand in his and kissed her ring, his eyes locked on hers with so much love that between his gaze and the sound of her name— her new name— she thought she might burst into tears. It was so incredibly like Sirius to give her not one but two rings; he was always so extra in everything he did. It sort of made sense, in a way: a ring for their wizarding marriage, and one for their Muggle one. He even made the idea of being married without a wedding seem completely romantic, if rather unconventional. Only Sirius Black and his crazy logic could pull off something like that.

"So no wedding in Muggle world, just a piece of paper?" Colleen asked carefully.

"That's up to you as well," Sirius answered, pulling her close to resume their dance. His wand had selected a classical piano piece now— lovely, but a bit melancholy. "I know you were a bit shy about our relationship being out there, with Robert just recently passed. And I personally would prefer our grand affair to be in the wizarding world— with the magical rites performed to bind us together— when I'm able to show my face again. I realize we need the piece of paper in the Muggle world, though, for all the boring but necessary things. And for important Ben."

"What do you mean?"

Sirius grinned excitedly. "I want to adopt him. Benji Black."

"Wow, you're all in, aren't you?" Her jumping in headfirst was one thing, but Ben jumping in after her gave Colleen pause. Still, the idea of erasing 'Gilmore' from everything in their lives was comforting. And Ben loved Sirius and his world, that much was clear.

"That's really sweet, Sirius. I need some time though, to wrap my head around everything and figure out how long to wait. Okay?"

Sirius nodded. "Fine with me. I told you— we're already family anyway. The recognition charm at Grimmauld Place told us that."

Colleen had forgotten about that. About this strange concept where all you needed to be family to someone was to step on a gold plate and have the universe recognize some divine bond that was somehow born without you ever really realizing it. She laid her head on his firm, warm chest and breathed him in, her favorite thing to do. She loved being conscious of every part of him and how he felt in her arms— the simple reminder that no matter how confusing it all became, he was really all she needed.

She heard Sirius clear his throat. "Um, darling? There's one other thing."

"Hmm?" Colleen lazily acknowledged, lulled by his warmth, his scent, and the swells of the piano.

"I received a mission yesterday, straight from Albus Dumbledore himself. I'm going to be away for awhile, beginning Thursday. And it sounds like an important one— a real adventure too. Mostly outdoors, and loads of time as Padfoot. Isn't that incredible?"

All of a sudden Sirius seemed like he would explode with excitement. But for the second time that evening, and for a far different reason, Colleen just wanted to burst into tears.


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