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Me: Back to some jokes.


Brunette: Once upon a time-

Blonde: Why just once?

Redhead: *Hits blonde on the back if the head* Just listen.

Brunette: *sighs* Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. This princess lived in a castle and had a pony and lived happily ever after. The end.

Blonde: But that doesn't make sense! There aren't modern-day castles! And you could never have a pony within the city limits!

Redhead: She has a point.

Brunette: Fine. There was a girl. She didn't live once upon a time. She lived in a trailer with roaches and rats. She had a pet turtle and lived in an Enchanted Swamp-

Blonde: *glares*

Brunette: Sorry. She lived in a Walmart parking lot.

Blonde: Now that's realistic!

The Blonde, Brunette, and RedheadWhere stories live. Discover now