Kiyoomi just sighed and took the key when it came down to it, acting as if it wasn't something he cared about.

Their relationship was going great, and Kiyoomi was growing closer to Y/N, finally viewing her as somewhat of a friend instead of Atsumu's object of interest. When he agreed to taking the only other key, he decided that he wanted to be able to help just in case something went wrong and it was outside of Atsumu's hands.

Like right now.

He never could have guessed that she knows how to pick locks.

A few moments ago, he could have, should have, played everything off, claiming that he had no idea about anything in that room. He curses himself for not doing so. Now, he's just as guilty as Atsumu.

Well, in some ways, he has always been just as guilty as Atsumu.

He doesn't even know what their plan is. Keep her locked up in the room? They can't do that. People will begin to wonder where she's at. They can't let her go either because she'll go straight to the police, which results in both of their asses in jail.

He grips his hair, pulling at it slightly, trying to keep himself from thinking about the worst possible outcomes. He squeezes his eyes shut, forcing the thoughts out.

He takes a deep breath and turns around, leaning against the door as he slides down to sit on the floor.

He pulls his knees to his chest and lowers his head down on top of them. He should just let her go. He could leave and let Atsumu deal with the circumstances. He could feign ignorance about the entire thing. He could say that he just panicked and closed the door.

He lets out a bitter laugh. Despite the fact that he wants to do that, he can't. He won't. Atsumu has done too much for him. Atsumu knows too much about him, the good and the bad, and he still continues to be his friend.

It's Kiyoomi's turn to repay the debt, even if it makes him go bankrupt in the end.

The sound of a lock turning in front of him makes his neck snap up from where it was previously hanging. He watches as Atsumu opens the door, eyes scanning around the apartment until they come to rest on Kiyoomi's figure in front of the door.

With wide eyes and a quiet voice, he says, "Omi, what the hell happened?"

"You're going to need to sit down."


"What are we going to do."

Atsumu has a blank face when he says, "I don't know."

Kiyoomi looks away to stare at the wall. Atsumu has been strangely subdued throughout everything, which is odd to say the least. Kiyoomi is waiting for the outburst that's due to show up any minute. He must be really scared to be so quiet.

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