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Kiyoomi's hand is still gripping the doorknob tightly even though it was only minutes ago that he locked her in there. She's banging at the door, screaming at him to let her out, but he can barely hear her from all the noise going on inside his head. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on the door for a moment, letting the vibrations from her fist against the wood ground him.

He's freaking out. He's been freaking out for the past thirty minutes. As soon as he got the text from her, he dropped everything, telling Coach Foster that it was a family emergency.

He almost crashed his car into a light pole trying to use one hand to dial Atsumu's number while the other gripped the steering wheel. He ran a couple of red lights while doing so, but that was the least of his worries.

Atsumu didn't pick up the first time he called, which is reasonable. He knew that Atsumu was holding a training camp right now, but that was going to have to wait. Kiyoomi had continued to call him until he picked up, knowing that Atsumu would probably be irritated with him, but it didn't matter.

When he finally answered the phone, Atsumu seemed overly annoyed with him, yelling, "What?", into the speaker. Kiyoomi knew his voice was unstable when he answered, "We have a problem."

That was twenty minutes ago. Atsumu should be here any moment to take care of the situation. Kiyoomi knows he's not capable of fixing anything, it's not his problem to begin with anyway, he's just along for the ride. Whatever happens, he knows he's not responsible for it, but he will help Atsumu out in any way that he can.

In this case, helping means locking Atsumu's girlfriend in a room while Kiyoomi stands guard and waits for him to show up.

He sighs, thinking back to how this all started. When he had accidentally stumbled upon Atsumu's overflowing collection of photos of Y/N on his phone, he had just gone along with it.

He can't control what Atsumu does in his free time, nor does he care. Atsumu almost burst a blood vessel when Kiyoomi asked him about her, swearing that it wasn't what it looked like.

Kiyoomi had just shrugged, "I'm not the police, calm down. I don't care what you do. Besides, it's not like I can judge you." Atsumu's expression had calmed down significantly when he realized what Kiyoomi was talking about.

He had his own secrets that he confided in Atsumu, this was nothing new to him.

When Atsumu's obession advanced, Kiyoomi just went along with it; listening intently when Atsumu went on rants about her, when he gushed about her beauty, when he planned his next letters out loud. It's not like it was hurting anyone, and even if it was, it wasn't his problem.

He hadn't expected Atsumu to actually get with her. He was fine with it though. He liked her enough, and she seemed in the dark about everything going on. However, it did complicate things a little bit, resulting in Atsumu begging Kiyoomi to take a spare key to the room filled with all of his incriminating shit. Nobody else knew about it, not even his own brother.

It made him feel a little special, not that he would ever voice it out loud, to be trusted with a secret so big.

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