Well, he ended up slipping on the water he was dripping around the room, and he fell on his back. I climbed ontop of him, my legs on either side of his body so I was straddling him.

"I win." I leaned down and kissed him. "You okay babe?" I asked, my face still inches away from his.
He lifted his head up and kissed me.
"I am now." He smiled. I kissed him one more time before climbing off of him and helping him up.

Dan took my hand and we sat in the lounge, Dan putting on an episode of Adventure Time.

"Hmm? What is it?"
"Don't you have to film a video today?"
"Oh yeah, I should probably get to that."
"...how about we tell them?"
"Tell them what, (y/n)?"
"...about us dating?"

Dan looked at me. "Are you sure? We don't have to do it yet, if you don't want to."
"Well, it's like you said. They're going to find out eventually, and they should know." I said, playing with my fingers.
"Let's go then." Dan stood up, motioning for me to take his hand.

"Hello internet."
"Hey!" Dan and I said, waving at the camera.

"So, today I'm here with the lovely (y/n), as you can see." Dan started to explain. "And we've got some news for you guys. Some of you may be happy, some of you may not be. And I'm going to try not to ramble on.... So uh.... me and (y/n) are a couple." He told the camera, holding up our clasped hands so they could see.

"I hope you guys can be happy for us, because we are really happy. I'm really happy." Dan said, looking at me with his big brown eyes, and smiled. I smiled back.

We started to talk about when we got together and how it happened.
"Dan was too chicken to make the first move, I kissed him first." I told the camera, laughing at Dan trying to make up excuses.

"In my defense, I was really tired, I hadn't had much sleep that night-" "Sure Daniel. Whatever you say." Dan laughed, rolling his eyes.
"Well, I guess that's it for us today. Bye internet." And Dan stopped recording.

I sat next to Dan as he edited the video, my stomach in knots.

'What will everyone think? Are they all going to hate me? What if I lose Dan subscribers? I couldn't live with myself if I was the reason for his failed career.'

Dan had finally finished editing the video. He looked at me.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He put his hand on my thigh.
"Do it." I stared dead at the screen, and Dan clicked upload.

We decided to wait a little before we went to go check the comments. Dan put the new Mario Kart 8 into the wii, and we played for a few hours, arguing and play fighting over who won, and who should've won. We stayed snuggled up on the couch for a bit, almost forgetting about the video we had just made.

"Should we go check out the comments now?" Dan asked me. It had been like 6 hours since the video was posted. I hesitated, but agreed, and we walked up to Dans computer together.


Comment after comment, all hurtful words. There were a few nice ones here and there, but not enough to drown out all the mean ones. All of them were directed at me.

Most of my subscribers were happy for us, but a lot of Dans weren't. All I could do was stare at the screen. I could feel tears start to rise. I needed out of there.
I stood up and ran out of the room, tears flowing from my eyes.

"(Y/n)!!" Dan called me from behind, but I didn't stop. I rushed into my apartment, locking the door behind me. I hurriedly ran in the bathroom, locking that door aswell, and sat on the cold tile floor.

I could hear Dan knocking at the front door.
"(Y/n), open the door." He kept repeating. All I could do was cry into my sleeves. Eventually Dan gave up trying to get me to open the door, and went back into his apartment.

*trigger warning*

'I knew it. I knew they wouldn't accept me and him. I'm just going to ruin his life. I'm such a waste of space.'

I looked at the cabinet under the sink. I new what to do. I opened the cabinet, grabed the blade, and started on my wrist.

~~Dans POV~~

"DAMMIT!" I yelled as I punched the wall, hard.
"I said I would protect her. That I wouldn't let anything hurt her. And look what I did! I'm such a fucking idiot!" I kicked a dining chair over in the lounge.

"I never should've posted that video." I sat on the floor, just looking at the wall. A few tears found their way down my cheek.

~~your POV~~

I waited for the lines of blood to stop flowing. I grabed some toilet paper, wiped the blood away from my arms, and flushed the bloody paper down the toilet. Hidding the blade back in it's spot, I get up off of the floor and start for Dan's apartment.

I opened the door as quietly as possible and peaked my head around the corner, looking into the lounge. Dan was sitting on the floor, when he turned and noticed me standing there.
He stood up.

"(Y/n). I'm sorry." He said, very quietly. I came out from behind the wall, walking up to him with my head down, and fell into his arms. I started to cry again.

"Dan..." I called him, my voice a little muffled, due to me being pressed up against his chest.
"Yes (y/n), what is it?" He asked me.

"Do you... do you still want to be with me?" My voice cracked as I asked him. He pulled me out of his hug and put his hands on my shoulders, looking right into my eyes.

"(Y/n). I wouldn't care if everyone on this earth was against us. It'd be you and me, forever. And it is. Of course I want to be with you."
He started moving his hands down my arms, and onto my wrists. I flinched.

'Shit. Shit shit shit. Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice.'

My wrists burned. Dan looked down at my wrists where his hands were, then back up at me. His expression was dead serious.

'He noticed.'

I tried pulling my hands away, but Dan was too quick. He grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve, staring in horror at all of the new cuts in my skin. I couldn't look him in the eyes. All I did was stare at my feet, sniffling and crying like an idiot.

Dan then grabbed my hand and led me out of his place, and into my apartment. He let go of my hand inside the doorway, then went to go search for something.

"Where is it.... where is it..." He kept talking to himself, looking through the drawers in the kitchen.
"D-Dan, w-what are you doing...?" I finally managed to spit out.

He walked into the bathroom, and I followed him. Then I noticed my blade on the floor.

Did I not put it away?

He got to it before I did. He picked up the blade, and flushed it down the toilet. Just like that.

I sank down to the ground, balling my eyes out. Dan came over and lifted my head up. He was crying, he had tears on his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot.

He looked straight into my eyes, and just asked me "...why?"
More tears came from his eyes. He pulled me into his arms.
All I could say was "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." over and over.


;-; sorry bout this chapter. I appologize if it was a bit too dramatic, it just kinda happened. But omg, 350 reads? You guys are insane. Thank you all for reading my shit story.

Love ya <3


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