1: Shoto Todoroki - Together Forever

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Quirk: Carbon Armour

 I sat with the other three, feeling very nervous. Midoriya, Bakugou, Shoto and I were on the train, heading towards Endeavours hero agency for our work studies. Shoto had admitted to me that he was surprised his father had sent offers to anyone other than Shoto himself, but I imagined that Endeavour was still trying to shift his public image now that he was the number one hero.

Naturally I was nervous to be spending my work study under the countries number one hero, but there was something else I was much more terrified about. Endeavour was my boyfriend's father.

Shoto and I had gotten together just after Heights Alliance had been built, and thanks to that we weren't rushed to tell our families. About three weeks into our relationship we told my family, them all being over the moon, but we hadn't had the chance to tell the Todoroki household. Shoto even admitted to me that he hadn't even told them he was gay, but he kept on telling me not to worry and that his mum and siblings would all love me. Whenever I questioned whether his dad would feel the same he would tell me that he didn't care what that bastard thought, and that he wasn't going to let him affect our relationship which to me meant that Endeavour wouldn't be happy when he finds out about Shoto and I.

"(y/n)?" Shoto's voice and his hand squeezing mine woke me from my worries. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm just... worried," I didn't want to admit it but I was. Shoto had told me he wanted to tell his father about us whilst we were at his agency but I thought it'd be a bad idea. He convinced me otherwise and I went along with it, thinking he knew best.

"I've told you, there's no need for you to worry. Whatever he says doesn't matter, we're just telling him because we have to," he said and I nodded, smiling at my handsome boyfriend.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks Shoto," I said and he pecked me on the cheek.

"Ugh, can you two cut it out?" Bakugou scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"No," Shoto said simply making me chuckle. The train came to a slow and steady stop, the voice over announcing that this was our stop. I straightened my tie as the four of us clambered off of the train with our bags and hero cases in hand. It was easy to spot Endeavour through the crowd that walked past him, them all whispering and attempting (but failing) to point subtly. He looked at the four of us awkwardly, forming a strange looking smile on his face. I glanced at Shoto, feeling incredibly awkward but my boyfriends slight smile reassured me.

"Welcome to the Endeavour Hero Agency," Endeavour said, his awkward smile turning into a frown. "I gave you my permission reluctantly as a favour to Shoto but I wish he'd come on his own."

"It's already done so don't complain," Shoto said simply.

"I've been thinking since supplementary lessons... you're a jerk," Bakugou said and I tried to hold back my laughter.

"Son! Are you really friends with these delinquents?" Endeavour shouted. "I told you to choose your allies wisely!"

"We appreciate that you allowed us to do our work studies with you sir!" Midoriya bowed ninety degrees. Endeavour simply huffed and led the way, heading to his agency and gesturing for us to follow him. Shoto clutched my hand reassuringly, making me feel a little calmer as we followed the number one hero.

Even on our way to the agency there was a villain encounter, but Endeavour took him down in a heartbeat and we barely had a chance to keep up with him. He darted through the streets, staying on the villains tail and as much as I hated to admit it, he was an impressive hero. We had a small run-in with Hawks as well, who handed Endeavour a small red book, but soon after we were heading towards the agency again ready to truly start our work studies.

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