Party Planning

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"Your parents are so nice for letting us use there house for the party" Nai said as she got out of her car

"Ya, Aubrey, tell you parents I said thanks, and make sure you give your mom a kiss for me" Bryce winked

They all laughed and walked through the off-white doors, the house was huge, and looked like a scene from a horror movie, it was dark and cold, since the house was always empty, there was a staircase on each side of the entrance, meeting in the middle, on the second floor

"Holy shit" Issa said looking around

"We don't even have to decorate, it's already fucking scary" Bryce said

"How long has this house been empty" Tana asked

"Umm, about 6 years, the last time we came here I was 13" Aubrey said walking around

"We'll it's certainly the perfect place to throw a Halloween party" Nai said

"You sure it's not haunted" Larray asked

"Probably" Aubrey shrugged

They all laughed and started cleaning the house up, so it looked somewhat decent, for the party

"Okay, well there's a pool in the back, Gio the pool guy is fixing it right now, and he's installing red LED lights to make it scary looking, and the yards pretty big so we can get Canes or something to cater for us, and there's enough room for games and shit, but there's a few rules, no one goes into the master bedroom only us, okay, and don't use the elevator it's broken and I do not want to call the fire department to get some random person out of my elevator" Aubrey said

"What's in the master bedroom" Bryce asked

"It's my parents room, but they have important stuff in there, and since I trust you guys, you can go in there but no one else can" Aubrey said

"Can we look" Tana asked

"Ya, follow me" Aubrey said

They all walked upstairs to the 4th floor where there was a red door, Aubrey opened it and they all walked inside,

"This looks like a room Christian Grey, from 50 shades of grey, would have" Larray said looking around the room, which was decorated in different shades of red

They laughed

"The room, has my mom and dads most expensive dresses suits and jewelry, so that's why this room is to stay untouched, the whole 4th floor will be off limits" Aubrey explained as she laid in the bed

"Woah" Nai said looking at the necklace, rings and other accessories, lined up on the dresser

They all walked over to the dresser and looked at everything

"Holy shit Aubrey you really are rich" Bryce said

"You guys wanna try them on" Aubrey asked

"Seriously, after that whole speech about this stuff being expensive and important" Bryce said

"We'll I trust you guys" Aubrey said

"Go on try it on, I'm sure you guys would look ravishing" Aubrey smiled

They all carefully picked out jewelry and slowly slid it on themselves being careful to not leave a scratch on anything

"What do you think" Nai said turning around, she had on a pair of dangly diamond earrings, that sparkled in any source of light,

"Woah you look beautiful" Tana said

She had on a gold wired necklace,

"That would look pretty with a Cleopatra costume" Bryce said admiring the gold wires stacked on her neck

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