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"Hey Reg" Aubrey said as she sat down on the couch, her glasses slid down to the tip of her nose,

"Hey babe" Reggie said said kissing the top of her head as he went to sit down at the table

"How was work" he asked her

"Uh, it was good, we finally finished our projects for the art fair Friday" Aubrey said playing with the strings to her skirt

"That's good, I finished signing the papers for the new PR deal, so expect a PR package in the mail soon" Reggie said

"Okay" Aubrey said getting on her phone

"Also, my family's coming over for dinner" Reggie said getting up

Aubrey sat up


"Ya, I told you last night" Reggie said fixing his shirt collar

"I know but I totally forgot, I have to change" Aubrey said running to her room, she quickly slipped out of her work attire and put on something more casual,

"You looked pretty either way" Reggie said kissing her temple

"Thanks Reggie" Aubrey said, there was a knock on the door and Reggie grabbed it, Vinnie and his parents stood outside

"Come in, come in" Reggie said

"Oh Reggie, this is nice" Maria said looking around, at the paintings on the wall

"And Aubrey, we want to thankyou for letting Reggie stay here, and taking care of him even after what Vinnie did" Maria said glaring at him

"Awe, it's no problem Maria, it's the least I could do" Aubrey said

"So, I made dinner" Reggie said motioning for them to sit down

Vinnie walked by Aubrey, and leaned down to whisper in her ear,

"I bet my mom doesn't know, you two are fucking it be a shame if she found out her little boy is being tarnished by a slut like you" he said sitting down next to her

Aubrey looked at him and smiled

"Awe, but she does know, matter of fact? Who do you think picked out this ring" Aubrey said showing Vinnie the diamond ring Reggie had gave her

Vinnie looked at it, and rolled his eyes

"You know this could've been you, making dinner for your family, buying me rings, and fucking me senseless, but no, you traded it all in for your few seconds of pleasure with a red head" Aubrey said to him, there voices where low so no one heard them

"Oh please, don't act like you don't imagine it's me fucking you, Reggie couldn't please you like I could, and you know it" Vinnie said

"Your right he can't, cause he does it way better" Aubrey said

"Oh yeah, why don't we test it" Vinnie smirked

Aubrey looked at him

"Nice try, but it's not going to happen, I'm happy with Reggie, don't be jealous your brothers tapping and your not" Aubrey said

"You can have him, I bet he's enjoying my leftovers, I have hundreds of bitches wanting to fuck me and all I have to do is snap my fingers and there on there knees" Vinnie said

"Ya, and you'd still come back to me when they can't fulfill you" Aubrey said as she put food on her plate

Vinnie glared at her, cause it was true

"Don't act like you didn't come back either"
He said placing food on his plate as well

"But who was begging for me to come back" Aubrey said

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