Chapter 4 A Fiery Annoyance Before Being Heaven Bound

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A/N hi it's been a while since I posted with this book. If you wanna know the reason I explained in my other books so I'm gonna only say eat up lovely's! On to the chapter!


    Your face shifted into realization while the heavenly soldier grabbed onto both of your hands and held them behind your back. You struggled against his hold while he laughed at your attempts, "Aww, it's cute how you think you could escape. However, I must ask you to stop resisting, you'll only end up hurting yourself."

     Keeping a firm hold on you, the soldier began flying off into the horizon. "Now, why don't we go fetch your friend hmm?"

    Your eyes were set in an icy glare while the eccentrically garbed human held you in his firm grasp. Having your arms pinned behind your back with one of his hands wasn't the most comfortable feeling in the world. It seemed any time you wiggled to relieve the pressure; the male's hold tightened. Your actions seemed to both amuse and annoy the human as he harshly jostled you while threatening, "If you don't stop moving, I'll be forced to make you stop! And trust me you definitely don't want that!"

    You huffed angrily before smirking while mocking, "Hah! You wish! I'd like to see you try human!" At your mocking comment, the male growled before the pressure around your arms gradually heated up. The sensation caught you off guard before you winced as the temperature increased drastically. Too hot! Too hot! Your short yelp of pain brought a smirk to your captor before he stopped. Satisfied that you learned your lesson, he mocked, "That's Nezha to you! And where's that fierce attitude now huh? You'd be better off not making me angry again little monkey."

    His comment brought a scowl to your lips before your tail whipped angrily. Even without looking you could tell where he held you there would be a bad burn if it wasn't treated properly. I'd rather not have 2nd degree burns all over my body, all I can do is try to get some answers without setting his temper off. Making your mind up, you grumbled out, "What exactly does Heaven want with two monkeys, Nezha?" Your question brought a huff before your captor chastised, "Did you already forget? I told you that you and your friend have to answer for the crimes against one of the Dragon Kings!"

   At his exasperated tone, you rolled your eyes before sarcastically grumbling, "Wow! Thank you so much for that descriptive info! Really appreciate it." Hearing your snarky response, Nezha scowled before seething, "Your careless actions caused massive destruction amongst the Eastern Sea, not to mention the two of you stole the King's things!" The last of his words made you scoff, "We didn't steal those things! The Dragon King told us that we could try on the armor and even complemented my friend saying that he could even borrow it. And he told my friend he could take the golden cudgel if he was able to lift it. So technically the Dragon King gave us those things."

    At your statement Nezha lightly chuckled before taunting, "Maybe to you monkeys, but in my eyes you two took advantage of the hospitality the Dragon King displayed." Just as you were about to defend you and Sun, Nezha cut you off by saying, "Save your excuses for Heaven's judgement. Besides we are almost close to your friend." Your eyes widened before your gaze searched the distance for any glimpse of Sun and your fox friend. Your worry grew as you caught sight of two pinpricks of figures sitting on a twisted tree. Sun please help!

———————Meanwhile w/ Sun———————

   The night air is serene while the stars twinkle above peacefully. Sitting on a curved tree body with multiple tiny roots running up and around it, the fox girl looked out into the sky with a smile. Her head turned at the sound of her monkey friend, "Come on." Smiling as he eagerly held a clump of leaves in his hands, she watched as he sniffed them before nodding. Sun eagerly placed the clump against her mouth while urging, "Eat." She took a hold of it with a confused look before he explained, "You see my coat? It's bright and soft."

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