Chapter 5

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I woke up to Louis shaking me and yelling," Were here!" loudly in my ear. I must have fallen asleep on the way there.

"Oh ok," I said, rubbing my eyes. I wondered what I looked like when I slept. Hopefully I didn't have my mouth wide opened and drooling like I usually do. I looked out the window to my right, we were in a parking lot. There was a couple parked cars scattered around. The buildings surrounding the parking lot were pretty run down but not in that bad of shape.

"Where are we?" I said, still half asleep.

"We are at the liquor store," Louis said, turning off the car.

"What!?" That sure made me wake up.

"Law number two, purchasing alcohol for a minor," he said laughing a bit, being amused by my reaction.

"I'm not coming in right?" I said, hoping that he would just quickly go in and get it with out me being involved.

"Nope your coming in too, you got to pick it out," he said, opening his door and running around to my side. He opened my car door. I refused to get out.

"No you go do your illegal activity by yourself," I said, crossing my arms.

"Your gonna cause a seen when I have to lift you out of this car," he said, serious.

"Go ahead," I said, knowing that he wouldn't attempt to pick me up. To my astonishment, he actually stuck his hand under my butt and wrapped his other arm around me. Uncomfortable with him touching me a quickly yelled," No!"

"Works every time," he said helping me out of the car.

"Your driving me crazy Louis."

"Ya I have that effect on girls," he said, smirking.

"Here take my ring," he said, passing the ring off of his right hand to me.

"Why?" I asked, examining the ring. It was silver, with some type of pattern etched on the outside. I had no idea what it was but it was pretty.

"Cause your now my wife," he said, wrapping his right arm around me. I felt the muscles in his arm flex. My whole body tensed up when I realized the situation I was in. I was buying liquor, illegally, with my pretend husband. I was paralyzed. He noticed that I was still holding on to the ring, so he took it out of my hand, and placed it on my left ring finger. It was a little bit loose on my finger. He guided me into the store. The man at the counter looked at us and then quickly looked away. Louis lead me down an aisle.

"So what's your poison, babe?" he said, looking at me, smiling. I felt his hand slide across my lower back, and then intertwine fingers with my left hand.

"Uh anything but beer and wine," slipped from my mouth.

"Oh you like hard liquor, sexy," he said, nodding his head in agreement. I looked at our hands. His were so much bigger than mine, but yet somehow my hand still fit perfectly in his. He pulled a bottle of vodka off the shelf and some type of coolers. He passed me the bottle of vodka then proceeded to drag me to the front. I started to get really nervous. I tried really hard not to bite my lip. Louis started passing the stuff to the man at the counter. He looked like an older man, somewhere in his 40's. I placed the bottle down on the counter with my left hand that Louis finally let go of.

"Oh you two are married?" the man asked. He obviously saw the ring. I was surprised that he actually fell for it.

"Ya," Louis said, excitedly.

"Wow, you guys look quite young," he said, scanning the items.

"Ya we got married as soon as we could," answered Louis. I realized how good he was at acting. He turned to me and smiled. I could tell he was trying to portray the image of being in love with me. And for a minute I even believed it myself.

"Well good luck to you two," the man said bagging the alcohol.

"Thank you," I said, thinking that I didn't talk enough during that conversation. Louis wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and lead me out of the store. He opened the trunk to put what we purchased inside. I stood outside the door, waiting for him to unlock it. Louis unlocked the door and also opened it for me. I could get used to this special treatment. I got in the car and waited for him to get in the car. When he finally closed the door, I yelled,"What the hell was that!? A warning would have been nice!" I hit him in the arm. He started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Your cute when you angry," he said lightly tapping my nose with his finger. It made me flinch. He put the car in drive and drove away.

"So what other traumatizing event are you going to put me through today?" I said, checking my phone. It was 5 o'clock so I decided to text my brother and say I was going to my friends house. He texted me back a simple "K". He actually believed me. I wasn't home free yet though, I still had to make sure I got back when he wasn't home tomorrow.

"You get to go to a frat party," he said. Normally I would refuse, tell him no, then proceed to bicker with him until I end up losing and doing what he says. It wasn't even worth the effort. I grunted.

"I'm not even going to object," I said, leaning my head against the window.

"Hey your lucky most high school girls would die if they got to a frat party."

"Wait, how do know about a frat party in a different city? I thought this was a spur of a moment trip?" I said, looking at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Well it was for you." My mouth dropped.

"So you were planning this the entire time?"

"Ya. I didn't want to go to the party alone, so when I heard you needed a ride, I thought you were perfect. I was planning to take you after your dentist appointment but whatever it still worked out."

"You are unbelievable! You're using me!" Now I was angry. I thought at first he was just being sweet and trying to show me a good time but no he just wanted a date so he wouldn't look like a loser. I looked out the passenger window.

"Calm down love, I'm not using you, I just wanted to take a pretty girl," he said, touching my cheek. I didn't even turn and look at him.

"I smell bullshit. Your still using me and you took advantage of me, I can't believe I actually trusted you." I said.

"You trust me?" he asked.

"Are serious? That's all you got out of what I said? And trusted not trust." Everything I thought I knew about him was wrong.

My Brother's Bestfriend-Louis Tomlinson FanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα