Granted, she'd been six and the dog had been a Pomeranian, but it still counted.

Regardless, she got attention. She didn't mind going out to see a flick or grab a bite, but always made it clear she wasn't interested in anything more than friendship. Usually, that got her one of three reactions. Some respected her decision, some acted like spoiled children denied a new toy, and some were convinced they could change her mind. Those were the ones she usually went on a date with, happy to go see a show or go dancing.

They might not agree, but they knew where she stood, and that was head over heels for Steve George Rogers.

Not that she told anyone that part.

Not even her mother or aunts who, even three states away, were always trying to introduce her to some "nice boy" or another. She never had any problems rejecting them, and she certainly wouldn't have any trouble rejecting Gordon's friend.

Currently the cad was eyeing her chest like he expected it to do a trick while Kathy was looking more and more resigned. Rebecca was feeling more and more irritation, not only that she had to deal with the creep but also that they were butting in on her what would be her last evening with Steve for a very long time.

Steve hadn't noticed the creep or her growing annoyance. Gordan was one of his best friends, after Rebecca, and the two were deep in conversations, leaving her with Kathy and creep a few feet behind them.

Creep stepped in front of her suddenly, forcing her to stop before running into him. He put on what he probably thought was a bright smile, and stuck his hand out. "Hey there, Sweetheart," he said in the tone of voice one would use toward a child. "I'm Allen."

Huh, Rebecca thought. Not Jim, John or Asshole. Go figure.

Allen was openly appraising her body, and the urge to punch him grew a thousandfold.

"So," Allen continued. "Joining the military, are we? That's cute. You gonna answer the phones?"

"Something like that," Rebecca replied, her voice icy. She started to walk past him, only to have him grab her arm, his grip tight enough that she grimaced in pain.

"Hey, hold on now. What's the rush? I just want to get to know you better."

"I don't think she wants to get to know you," Steve said, suddenly appearing at her side.

So perhaps he hadn't been oblivious after all.

Rebecca twisted her arm, trying to break the creep's hold on her, but he already had a good grip. For not the first time she cursed having a slight frame. It was one area where she could understand Steve, she wanted to break the creep's arm, but her body limited her capacity to do so.

As if he could read her mind, Allen tightened his grip and she flinched in pain, an action that didn't escape Steve's notice.

"You know, Gordon," he said, his voice hard, "I'm not that impressed with your new friend."

Allen sneered at him. "What the hell is someone like you doing with someone like her? Little shrimp like you, I bet you can't even get it up, can you?"

Rebecca punched him. It was very unladylike, and hurt like hell, but it was exceptionally satisfying. The blow snapped Allen's head backward and, as he straightened, Gordon added a left hook of his own, his job as a dockworker giving him considerably more force. Allen's grip finally loosened, and Rebecca shook him off with a grimace of disgust.

"I'm not much impressed with him either," Gordon muttered. He frowned at Rebecca and Steve. "Sorry about that. I'd thought he was all right."

Rebecca hooked her arm through Kathy's arm and reached for Steve, only to falter in confusion as he moved away and avoided eye contact. She forced a tight smile and threw her arm around Gordon's shoulders instead, ignoring Allen who was getting to his feet behind them. Proving he had at least one brain cell, he chose to stagger away rather than confront them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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