The Interview

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Melissa got up ON TIME for a change and got ready. She had 1/2 hour before she needed to be at the Studio, so she decided to get breakfast at SF Café, which was only 5 minutes from her apartment. She had a croissant and some coffee and then left for the studio with time to spare.
When she arrived, she met the director who she talked to on the phone previously, and from Melissa's perception, he was generally a nice person. He showed her to a seat across from him and began asking questions.
"So, Ms. Hadley, you seem interested in this commercial. Do you have experience in acting?" "Yes, I majored in acting at the University of San Fransisco, and I've done some commercials with the company Southwest Airlines, through CaliStudios," Melissa said, nervously. "Okay, so some good experience and education. How often are you able to work and how early can you be here each morning?" Mr. Gabers asked. "I will work Monday through Friday if that's what you need, and usually 8:30am works for me," Melissa replied. "Sounds like that schedule will work for this job. Did you bring your college reviews?" he said. "Yes, here you go," Melissa handed her portfolio and college info over.
"Okay, well I just need to review this and consider it. From this point it looks like you have a good chance of getting the job. I will email you by the end of today about if you got the job. Thank you."
Melissa skipped to her car in excitement that she has a good shot at the job, and plus, she liked S.F. Studios MUCH better than CaliStudios. And hopefully, she thought, I will get paid higher.

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