Chapter 8:Movie night

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I just finished reading Strike on webtoon and it's amazing, I recommend it because they end up getting stuck in Minecraft

•°Karl POV°•
I woke up in my bed at 12:42 Damn I slept in, I got up and changed then started walking downstairs "Good morning Karl, did you enjoy yourself yesterday" George said while cooking breakfast "Mornin and yes I did" I said.

I got done eating and walked out of the house and started walking to Alex's house.
Big Q
Hey Karl you coming

Yes, is Nick gonna be there?

Big Q
Yes he's gonna be there God I'm a simp now I guess or I have a crush on him no were just friends enemy to friends yeah that's sounds right, When I got there Nick was on the porch on his phone "Hey Nick" "Oh hey Karl" he said, he got up and we both walked inside and Alex ran straight up to me "How's it going I haven't seen you in a while" Alex said while hugging me to death 'Mhm' "Shall we get something to eat" Alex said "Yeah I haven't eaten yet" Nick said (SaId) Alex left the house to get the food which left me and Nick in the house alone, I walked over to the couch and sat down, Nick followed and sat next to me "What do you want to do while we wait for Alex to get back"Nick asked "Hmmm can we watch something" I answered, we ended up putting on 'The purge' (Tbh I have never actually seen the movie so sorry if I get I wrong), 5 minutes into the movie a jump scare happened and it scared the living shit out of me and I ended up shoving my my body on Nick and he snickered "Shut up I didn't expect that" I told him embarrassed he continued to snicker at me "IM BACK" Alex yelled, Nick paused the movie and got up, walked over and grabbed his food from Alex then walked back over to me "Y'all are watching The Purge" Alex said 'Mhm' He sat down on the other couch and Nick unpaused the movie, they ate while we watched the movie and another jump scare happened and I shoved my body onto Nick once again 'Awwwe' is all I heard from Alex throughout the whole movie Nick of course snickered, the movie finally ended and I was cuddling with Nick because of fear and Alex left to go to sleep since we watched every Purge movie, Soon I ended up falling asleep on Nick's chest.
•°Nick POV°•
I look down to see Karl passed out on my chest to be honest he look kinda cute I laid down with Karl still on my stomach, Soon Alex ended up waking up and walked downstairs to get a drink "Awe y'all would look cute together" Alex said "Shut up he just fell asleep on me so I'm letting him sleep" I told him "Okay whatever, well goodnight you can sleep here if you want" Alex said "Okay" I said (God I need to stop typing said) My eyes got really heavy and then I fell asleep with Karl on my chest.
•°Alex POV(for a few seconds)°•
I walk back upstairs to my room after seeing Karl and Nick cuddling which was adorable I totally ship it, I hopped in bed and turned off my lamp and soon I fell asleep.
Wow this chapter took always since it was hot out and sunny so yeah also Happy new year(I watched it turn 2022 last night which was cool) Have a good night/noon/day

Highschool{Karlnap & DNF} Gonna Be DeletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin