I think about it but end up shrugging. "I've not even thought about Christmas if I'm honest."

"Are you and Lexi still coming to my house for Christmas?" She asks. "My parents want to buy us all matching pyjamas again."

I can't help the chuckle that escapes me. The Holmes' had been doing this since we were kids. All four of us had been the star of their Christmas cards over the years. I still have all of mine in a drawer in my room. Lately though, it's gotten harder to get Lexi and Jared to join in with the tradition. Lexi likes to spend Christmas with some of her friends just outside of town now and Jared is a giant party pooper anyway.

The holidays are a sore subject for us. My parents are never around over the holidays, they always head to Arizona with a few colleagues and don't come back until the new year, leaving Lexi and I alone. Mr and Mrs Holmes used to all but drag us over to their house Christmas morning, now they make it a rule that we have to sleep over.

I'm grateful for it, they've always treated me like one of their own, but I also feel really fucking shitty about it. They shouldn't have to take care of someone else's kid, it makes me feel guilty that I'm constantly imposing on their holiday.

Katie must catch on to where my thoughts are heading because she scolds me. "Enough of that shit. My parents would literally adopt you if they could."

"What do you think I should get them this year?" I ask. I've gotten pretty much everyone else's gifts but I'd really like to show her parents that I appreciate all the things they've done for me.

"My mom loved that spa you sent us to last year." Katie comments as she checks something on her phone. "But you know they don't expect any of us to get them gifts."

I'd still like to though. I'm not very good with expressing myself with words, so gift giving has always been my go to. Thats why I always save up extra throughout the year for Katie's birthday.

I put thoughts of what else I need to buy to the back of my mind and instead drift into conversation with Katie about Terri's party on Thursday.

"Lexi texted me about it in fourth period." Katie admits as she shows me the text in question. "It's on Thursday."

"I know, Terri invited me." I say with a shrug, not realising what I've said until it's already out. I freeze, my hot chocolate half way to my lips as I wait for Katie's response but she doesn't seem to pick up on anything other than the fact that I was invited to a party.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She gasps, eyes wide. "We could have gone shopping instead of here to buy you something to wear."

"Erm who says I'm going?" I point out. "I have no intention of doing so."

She lets out a loud huff and crosses her arms. "You're going."

"It's on a school night!"

"So? You don't have to drink or stay that late."

"Does Terri not realise that it isn't New years eve for another two weeks?" I question, it'd been nagging at me since this morning.

"He just likes to use the excuse for a party," she waves it off like it's insignificant. "You'll hear the same title at least three more times until the real thing."

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