My lovely star

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June Frost, the brightest star in the sky. We've known each other since we were kids. We would always argue with each other, my most idiotic decision as a kid. As time passed, I realized I was entranced by her.

Every time she crosses my view, my life immediately gets better.

Every time she calls me "Rovan" I can't hear anything but her.

Her eyes as she looks at the professor's words, completely confused is beautiful. Everything she does is.

As she yells at me for small things she makes me smile.

I notice as she snorts after yelling at me, making me smile again.

No matter where she goes, she leaves a trail of stardust behind her.

I can no longer think about anything but her.

June Frost. My lovely star. My lovely June.

If I could make her happy for her entire life, I would give up anything for her.

She was my light and if I have the chance to be hers and keep her safe, I would do it in an instant.

Even if I'm never in her life again, I will make sure that she stays safe no matter what.

When she's hurt, I will be there in a second.

I will protect her happiness with everything I have.

The light of my life, the one who I would do anything for.

Her smile.
Her laugh.
Her eyes.
Her spirit.
Her humor.
Her bluntness.
Her kindness.

Everything that makes her, her.

Every memory we have where she is so bright and so amazing, which is practically every single moment, I have stored away in the books in the library I have in my mind.

I open them whenever I can and dream.

I imagine a life together where one of our kids have her bright brown eyes and my dark black hair and the other has her long dark brown hair with my black eyes.

They would be perfect, just like her.

If she tells me she hates me, I'll love her nonetheless.

If she tells me she loves me, I'll give her the whole world.

Her happiness will always come first to me.

If she told me she wanted the world, I would take it and give it to her.

If she told me she wanted to destroy the world, I would destroy it, making sure not a single thing hurts her.

There may be those who hate everything I am and everything I will be, but with my star, I see only her.

The swords pointed at me will never be shown in her sights.

The hatred others feel for me do not matter as long as she sees me.

In the end, it doesn't matter if she doesn't choose me.

If I could live forever, I would spend that time loving her with all my heart.

If she asks me to do something, I will complete that task in a heartbeat.

Nothing is never too much if they're all for her.

My lovely lovely star.

Midnight DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon