Chapter 30 - Attack on Atlas

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One week after the Christmas specials...

Welp, here we are. It's 1:03 PM, and Y/N is at the Newly built Superfortress Endoglyph, awaiting an order to attack on Atlas.

 It's 1:03 PM, and Y/N is at the Newly built Superfortress Endoglyph, awaiting an order to attack on Atlas

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Flashback to a meeting yesterday...

Ruv: I think it is time we take serious action against Atlas.

Spector: Attack them?

Ruv: Attack them. Call a meeting.

A meeting was called and many high-ranking officers were called.

Joseph: Vhat is the purpose of this meeting?

John: I think we're attacking FATlas.

William: Is that your nickname for those wankers?

John: Yeah.

Y/N: It's an attack on Atlas alright.

Ruv: You are exactly correct, Triumphant. Today, we prepare to attack Atlas.

Ruv: Firstly, as previously mentioned, Atlas has copied our Kinetic Shield tech and now have a massive shield matrix around it. What's worse is that hundreds upon thousands of dust is being used to power that shield. We have to hit that shield hard... Which is why I have designed something for Krux Leader Triumphant.

Ruv slides the blueprint of Superfortress Endoglyph over to Y/N.

Ruv: This is Superfortress Endoglyph. I had come up with this idea and thought it would be perfect for breaching the shield. You may recognize all of the weapons except for that massive cannon that's not the QF 95. That is the 920mm Wotan Supergun. It only existed in blueprints near the end of the Great Unification War... Until now.

Ruv: I think you can use those resources to build this thing. Do not worry, the Empire State will handle the construction of the Wotan. You just handle the construction of the Endoglyph. Maybe those 25,000 boxes of titanium and 50,000 tons of tungsten can be used for something...


Ruv: Good. Now after Triumphant breaches the shield, everyone will teleport their forts onto the city of Atlas and take it over from there. Meeting dismissed.

The meeting room quickly dispersed.

End of flashback...

(Play song above for the rest of the chapter.)

Now, Y/N is standing here awaiting the order to fire.

Ruv: Y/N, Now is your chance.

Ole Hass: Guns are ready to fire, sir.


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